Thanks, Cav, now I have to practice my rusty french pronounciation.
I've been absent a couple of months, but there were unavoidable circumstances that kept me away. Glad to see you guys are still around enjoying this virtual pub, so I'd like to just say "hi" for now, and settle down for a cold one.
How have you been, Cic? And, better yet, WHERE have you been?
c.i. is always welcome here in the virtual pub.
littlek, vee-own-yay.
Lol - sorry - how did you embarrass yourself, Li'l k???
littlek, I've been just fine, thank you! Was on a river boat on the Danube from Budapest to Constanta for a week. Spent three nights in Budapest, Hungary, and one night in Bucharest, Romaina. Lost two days to travel, but spent some interesting times on land and water during the 12 days, 11 nights. Saw Tito's tomb in Belgrade, was hosted to lunches in private homes in Hungary, Croatia, and Bulgaria, saw some fortresses and churches, learned a little about the history of the Balkans, and met some intersting people. Will be on a transAtlantic cruise for 10 days from Lisbon to Barbados in November, an 18 day trip with a cruise to Antarctica in January, and a A2K Gathering in Europe in May. Almost forgot, will be in Austin, Texas, to visit our son and for another A2K Gathering from October 22 to October 29. Also planning for a tour to Vietnam and Cambodia which is sorta prebooked for February, but it's still not 'confrimed' as a go.
heehee, thanks cav.
and Dlowan - I knew that, but why embarass myself twice by telling eveyone about it?
Cic - so just a whole lot of travel? I'm glad nothing was wrong.
Hi All
never been here b4 but ive heard of it so i thought id pop myself in n say hello
nice place
have fun
Need a beer or a tea or a warm glass of milk, Col Man? Oh, wait, it's morning there, eh? Coffee then?
hi littlek
cup of tea would be nice if you have such things

lots of milk no sugar thx
and yeah its 6am here
So, then, English Breakfast tea? Well, here's an assortment of teas, a pot of hot water, and a mug. And, good morning to ya.
Of course, we're an international pub/cafe. We also have clotted cream and vegemite (sorry no marmite today).
I'm going to take my warm milk and shuffle off to bed. Have a good day Col Man.
good night-good morning..........