* A grumbling comes from the corner of the bar, hey look its your friendly neighborhood drunk waking up from his morning nap*
"What the fffff, where am I and what are you guys doing in my house!?" the drunk screams angerly.
Security! Please escort Eva to the VIP lounge, and tell Liam.
Big Joe comes storming into the bar and trips on the pile of puke left there by Fred the drunk.
Thankfully, Fred was drunk, and completely passed out, as Big Joe was a midget with god-blessed genitalia, which he had learned to master as a Kung-Fu WMD. There would have been an ass-whoopin' going on, had Fred been conscious.
Okay boys, drag Fred out, and toss him some cab fare.
Where is the barman, I think I need a drink !
I was walking past and I tripped over Fred.
Looks like my sort of place, this.
Double whisky, bartender.
Not today, my darling.
I've found whisky improves with age .... the older I get, the more I like it.
Gee you have certainly grown older in the last two days then
The best part of getting old is being able to do whatever you want, and blame it on senility.
It's even better to do WHOever you want! :wink:
Reckon Gautam's the one who got away!
If you are old with money, no problem doing whoever you want. If you don't have money, you have to rely on things like going to a buffet and throwing all the food on the floor for kicks.
So Cav...been closed for a while...did you go on vacation?
panzade wrote:So Cav...been closed for a while...did you go on vacation?
A2K went on vacation, causing a temporary shutdown of the pub. I'm feeling festive today, as everything is up and running again. Tonight's special will be spice-rubbed spit-roasted quails with fried plantain and black bean, corn and butternut squash salad, with a whisper of ha...ha....ha....habanero, and lots of fresh coriander.
As usual, everything in the virtual pub is free.

so you need to prepare a lot in order to deal with my free stomach
There is always enough to go around at the virtual pub.