Speaking about bitter - could I have a Bitter Orange, please? With ice, but without a slice of orange/lemon.
(Put it on panzade's tab.)
Walter you make a Scotsman positively look like a philanthrophist
I'll have some of that Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee, please. Perhaps a wee flagon of steamed milk and bit of sugar, though I'll try it plain first.
I would try the Jamaican Blue plain first. The Japanese insist. There will be steamed milk and sugar on the side.
I've had my coffee black for years, but then I got into liking the occasional caffe latte. And whenever I have mediocre coffee in a restaurant, a fairly common event in my new home town, I add little sugar, say a half teaspoon, just to improve my humor about it.
But I've heard Jamaica Blue mountain is the best, so I expect plain will be just fine.
Does this bar also have rakija (I don't know whether I spell it correctly), it's really strong, it just burns down your stomach

(especially the home-made I tasted, brrrr)
Ahh, in English we call it moonshine. I'll have Manuel whip up a bathtub of it for you Rick.
Ah, hugs & smooches to Bill, dlowan and all the rest. I've just read through this thread, though, and my stomach is reeling from talk of chimp meat, oysters, cheese and moonshine. Perhaps I will just mosey on down to the Golden Arches instead.....I expected more palatable fare here. Tsk, tsk, shame on you, Cav, for turning a girl's stomach. <sniff>
Oh please....this is a virtual pub, so you can have anything you want Eva. Lobster with vanilla butter?
He's normally turning their heads...
Well....okay. I'll have a little of the lobster, then. And a tall glass of water and Alka Seltzer on the side.
Sad Eva, as I'm breaking open a case of vintage Bollinger Rose champagne just for you. 1985, I believe. You are welcome to your Alka Seltzer if you prefer though.
cavfancier wrote: You are welcome to your Alka Seltzer if you prefer though.
Okay, I truely understand that you look a bit funny now, cav - but why do you start speaking Dutch?
Let's wait, what our Dutchs says. :-)
I can not believe Eva is repulsed by the thought of chimp meat.
What could be a better time than a bunch a friends sitting around, sipping beers, and munching on a tub of chimp....
Pass me a leg please.