Hey, Littlek has her own face for an avatar! But one question. What color are your eyes? Another aperature click blinker.
I went to the "Egg and I" before the last Pats home game, the playoff game against Miami. I used to rock an apartment down the street from there.
What was the name of the band?
Nothing could possibly be worse than Denny's. Nothing.
I dont know..id pick Dennys over like say...McDonalds
man little k...my parents drove me to all those places...Christmas Land, Santas Land, Gaslight Village, you know..theres way too many wierd places out there...with really crazy places to eat attached....and from what I remember...yeah, d take Dennys or Bickfords over them.
No Bill, the SlapDogand his mates were attempting to physically move the apartment. Something connected to being shitcanned at 3am (check the 1st post). :wink:
Is that lobster (rock) and roll?
There's still an Egg & I, it's in Dennisport.
PS Slappy I think I saw you today, wandering outside the Brighton Video Store, mumbling to yourself. Or am I mistaken?