Psst! Roger - I think your missed a post. Craven mentioned an 11th hour civilian opportunity.
But, for what it's worth Craven, I'd weigh this new opportunity and decide from there. If you do decide to still enter the Army then personally, I'd opt for the E-1 with my choice of MOS. One way or another you can count on your time being tied up for the 1st year you are in so you aren't going to get much done as far as other educational opps besides their basic training and technical training courses (I believe the Army referes to that as "AIT").
If you keep your nose clean you could make E-4 within 2 years as it is. One thing that recruiter is NEVER going to tell you is that amongst the military services the Army has a reputation for fast promotions and they are also pretty quick on the draw to demote people who messes up.
If you do well in your preferred MOS you'll be holding E-4 or E-5 in no time. You aren't planning on making it a career so get out of it what YOU want and can apply to your life later on.