Go to a doctor who specializes in HIV - this is probably not going to be your regular primary care physician and you may need a referral.
So go, and get tested. And ask what else, other than HIV, could be causing your symptoms. Maybe you're right, and you do have a rare strain. Or maybe you're wrong and you are hearing hoofbeats and thinking zebras when it's really horses. What I mean is, these symptoms might be something else and utterly unrelated to your unsafe practice from 3 years ago.
I am inclined to believe it is the latter but I am not a doctor. I do urge caution, but you might just have other stuff going on.
If it's not HIV, find out some things it could be, e. g. chronic fatigue syndrome or even MS or something else (I don't mean to alarm you and I truly don't know, but it might behoove your medical care provider to think of these symptoms as indicative of separate syndromes) but with thrush as something on the side that just so happens to be happening at the same time.
And - I'm sure you don't need to read this, but this is for the benefit of the folks in the cheap seats who are lurking - practice safe sex every time.
I hope the medical community gets to the bottom of things soon. I'm sure it's nerve wracking not knowing.