Far-left liars endanger us all

Reply Tue 3 Aug, 2004 03:04 pm
So much for clearing the air Laughing
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Reply Tue 3 Aug, 2004 03:19 pm
Excuse the beans....<pffffft> a big stinky fart on anyone who opposes gay marriage. I mean really...what is up with you people? Believe me, these farts are reallllyyy stinky, beans, chipotles, cabbage, sour cream, more beans, a tortilla, and I had curry for lunch. I'm too bloated and lazy to figure out exactly when this thread turned into a debate about gay marriage, but it only started when some conservative started a sword fight.
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Reply Tue 3 Aug, 2004 06:58 pm

As this thread has meandered about somewhat, might I make an attempt to address a point relevant to gay marriage and to left/right notions (but not to farts, though I lack cav's rich imagination on where they might fit)?

Actually, no, I think that ought to be a thread of its own.
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Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2004 10:12 pm
While we are on this temporary detour, anyone caring to expand their knowledge of the subject can look here. Facts on farts
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 08:01 am
It is about the foundation of the family structure within the US. Marriage has always been about family and family has always been about a man a woman and children

Wrong! For a long time, marriage was about a man and several women. Marriage has evolved over the years and is a decidely different instititution today than it was in the past.
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Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 08:07 am
McGentrix wrote:
Well, to be fair, 5 minutes isn't enough time to properly react to a post of this magnitude.

Doesn't seem to have much magnitde now.
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Wolf ODonnell
Reply Tue 5 Jul, 2005 08:38 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:
In order to get back on track a little, I'll repeat my earlier (unanswered) question to Foxfyre, and throw it open for anyone who wants to answer:

Fox, before you go, can you tell me how, specifically, pre-existing marriages could be changed - in your words, 'become meaningless,' by allowing gays to marry?

Please? I'm really trying hard to understand your point on this issue.

Anyone? I'd love to hear an explanation for this belief by an anti-gay marriage supporter....


Well, I'm not an anti-gay marriage supporter, however, I would have thought it was quite easy to put yourself into their shoes.

There are several routes, and I shall explain them one by one.

1. The anti-gay marriage supporter believes that homosexuals are inferior and sinful. To allow inferior and sinful people to marry, means decreasing the standards of marriage, which hence makes marriage either meaningful or less meaningful than it used to be.

2. Actually, I can't think up of another viewpoint to this marriage thing.
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