No one is trying to redefine words. Walter choose a word that he thought appropriate. You have decided to make a big patriotic argument about it. His assumption was logical, I'm sorry you can't see it. But I'm betting you are doubling down to make a point only you understand. You seem bitter and angry, I don't enjoy the company of bitter, angry people so whatever side you think you're on, I think I'll pass. Please don't claim to be a red-blooded American, I've spent decades working for DOD, and I'm not impressed the only Constitutional Amendment you are aware of is the Second.
This contempt you espouse for other countries makes me cringe. Europeans love their countries just like I love mine. English speaking countries differ greatly on idioms and terminology. The American people are not going to call 'elevators' lifts and the population of Great Britain are not going to call ''lifts' elevators. It's a tiny non-issue, why are you making a big deal over it.
My guess is you want to avoid telling me how many and how frequently children have to die before you think it's enough. I've raised children and managed civilian and military personnel during my career. I recognize re-direction when I see it.