Hey, you still haven't mentioned Norwegian..
Jeg elsker deg (I love you, in a "serious" way - like "te amo" in Spanish)
Glad i deg (like "te quiero" in Spanish).
interesting, norwegian
welcome to a2k.
this isn't the original mchol in her little brother but i will knock all you out.
Alsaciaen: ich hoan dich gear
Bari: Nan Nanyar do parik
Finnish: Mina armastan sind
German: Ich liebe dich
Indi: Mai tujhe pyaar kartha hoo
Irish: Taim L' ngra leat
Korean: Tangshinul sarang hae yo//Nanun tangshinal sarang hamnida
Russian: Ya vas lyubyu
Vietnamiese: Toi teu em
Zuni: Tom ho'ichema
Swahili Naku penda (followed by a name ... )
and i got ... about 70 more but im not typing all that. enjoy :wink:
Rick d'Israeli wrote:'wa un lekker ding bende gij'.
'En ge hè zôn lekker ku(n)tje'

This smells like Carnaval, Nescio!
Seni Seviyorum! = I love you!
Tagalog (philipines) Mahal Kita
In japanese, "Ai-shiteru."
Ngo oi neh
Cantonese (dialect of Chinese)
I can't even say "I love you" in one language, and you expect me to say it in multiple languages....uh ah...I don't think so....lol
C'mon standup, you can do it!
those are the 3 hardest words in the english language
No, that would be diamond, silicon nanospheres, and sapphire.
<edit> The three hardest, that is.
George wrote:Only if you're honest.
Exactly....and I beleive in brutal truth...some people like it, some people don't!
In Latin.... I loveicus youicus
You're using the subjunctive there, Gus. The plain old present tense would be I luvico youimus.