English:i love you
French:je t'aime,je t'adore
Greman:ich liebe dich
Judah:ani ohev otach(male or famale),ani ohevet otcha (male or famale)
Eire:taim ingra leat
Esthonia:mina armastan sind
Finland:min rakastan sinua
Belgium:ik zie u graag
Italian:ti amo,ti vogliobene
Latin:te amo,vos amo
Latvia:es tevi milu
Lisbon:lingo gramo-te bue,chavalinha
Lithuanian:tave myliu
Macedonian:te sakam
poland:kocham cie,ja cie kocham
Portugal:eu amo-te
Roumania:te iu besc,te ador
Holland:ik hou van jou
Czech:miluji te
Denish:jeg elsker dig
Alsace:ich hoan dich gear
Armenian:yes kezi seeroom yem
Bavaria:i mog di narrisch gern
Bulgaria:ahs te obicham
Croatia:volim te
Assamese:men seni serivem
Bengal:ami tomay bhalobashi
Burma:chit pa de
Cambodia:bong salang oun
Filipine:mahal kita,iniibig kita
Gujarati :hoon tane prem karun chuun
Hindi:main tumse pyar karta hoon
Indonesian:saja kasih saudari
Japan:kimi o ais**teru sukiyo
Korea:tangshin-i cho-a-yo
Javanese:aku tresno marang sliromu
Laos:khoi huk chau
Malay:saya cinta mu
Malaysia:saya cintamu
Mongolian:bi chamd hairtai
Nepal:ma tumilai maya garchu,ma timilai man parauchu
farsi:tora dost daram
Tagalog:mahal kita
South Africa:ek het jou lief ek is lief vir jou
Ghana:me do wo
Ethiopian:ene ewedechalu(for ladies)
ene ewedehalwe(for men)
Arabic:ana ahebak(to a male)
arabic ana ahebek(to a female)
SwitzerlandGerman:ich li b dich
creole:mon kontan ou
Hausa :ina sonki
Madagascar:tiako ianao
Assamese:moi tomak bhal pau
Tamil:tamil nan unnaik kathalikkinren
IndiaTamil:neenu ninnu pramistunnanu
Thailand:chan rak khun
Urdu:mein tumhay pyar karti hun(woman to man)
mein tumhay pyar karta hun(man to woman)
Viet Nam:em yeu anh(woman to man)
anh yeu em(man to woman)
Maori:kia hoahai
Iceland:eg elska tig
Albania:t dua shume
Russia:ya vas iyublyu,ya tibia lyublyu
Serbian:volim te
Slovenia:ljubim te
Espana:te amo,tequiero
Sweden:jag lskar dig
turkey:seni seviyorum
Ukraine:ja vas kokhaju
Kymric:rwyn dy garu di
Assyrian:ana bayanookh(female to male)
ana bayinakh(male to female)
Caucasian:wise cas
Chinese:wo ai ni
Izi lizove yizou. Izzy language.
Izzy language? no kidding please...
I'm not kidding, Thok. It's ust another variation of Pg Latin.
<lemonegg, I love your puppy avatar!>
Sorry, Thok. I guess I assumed everybody knew what Pig Latin. I don't know the origin but when I was a kid it was something we used to keep the grownups in the dark. Try this translator:
Swimpy wrote:I'm not kidding, Thok. It's ust another variation of Pg Latin.
<lemonegg, I love your puppy avatar!>
thanks :wink: :wink: :wink:
lemonegg2001 wrote:
Korea:tangshin-i cho-a-yo
Correction... Tangshin i cho a yo.. Is pronounced more like "Dangshin ee jo wah yo." And literally this means "Darling/honey I like you." To mean "Love," you want to use "Sarang." "Dangshin ee sarang hae yo."
Maggie5554515 wrote:Italian: Te amo.
Spanish: Ti amo.

Actually, it is the other way around/
Italian: Ti amo.
Spanish: Te amo/Te quiero.
Maggie5554515 wrote:Volim te? I thought this was "I want you" with a mere sexual meaning.
Volim te means I love you.
Zelim te means I want you.
1337speak: 1 |_ () \/ 3 j00!!!!!!!!!!11111
lemonegg2001, I love your dog. I have a snot that looks just like that.
joahaeyo, the dog avatar is cute, but I like your hot girl avatar much more. :wink:
schtroumf : I schtroumf you
OK, but that's for the English schtroumfs. The Dutch schtroumfs would say: Ik smurf jou (sounds rather disgusting, doesn't it).
No, it's franglish schtroumf.
In English it would be "I smurf you"
In French it would be "Je te schtroumf"
I always thought those smurfs are little perverts. 100 guys and 1 girl in a village - do I need to say more?
There are a lot of girls in the village actually but they can't be seen.
That's the schtroumf way of life :wink:
They have their own Red Light District??!!