The Democrat Convention---2004

Reply Wed 4 Aug, 2004 09:47 pm
The hits just keep commin'
08/04/04: July 30 -Aug 1 1,129 Likely Voters MOE ± 3%
Bush-Cheney: 51% (Trend: 50%, 47%, 46%, 7/30-31, 7/19-21, 7/8-11)
Kerry-Edwards: 47% (Trend: 47%, 49%, 50%, 7/30-31, 7/19-21, 7/8-11)

Bush-Cheney up 5% from the second week of July, Kerry-Edwards off 3% for the same period ... a point or so either way one poll to the next doesn't mean much one way or the other, but a net 8-point uptick over a bit less than a month is more than just possibly statistically significant, particularly in light of the fact the period encompasses the Democratic Convention. Incidentally, this showing is the best for Bush since his mid-April 51%, while Kerry has not polled lower since his contemporaneous 46% showing.

Speaking of hits, This * (Download note: Approx 1 Meg WMV file), an indepent "527 Group" production due to begin airing nationally tomorrow on both broadcast and cable channels, is likely to raise a welt or two on Kerry's hide.

*: Currently, the host website for the video is experiencing extremely heavy traffic; download may be very slow, website may sporadically be unaccessible
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 08:29 am
From www.scaryjohnkerry.com:

"We have learned that John Kerry just lost 50% of his "Band of Brothers" support. Ralph Dobson has confirmed that he now considers Kerry unfit to be President of the United States. That leaves only a single officer who still endorses him out of the 23 shown in the photo."

Sorry, John-Boy; it was a good line, but it just didn't do the trick!"
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 09:21 am
JustWonders wrote:
From www.scaryjohnkerry.com:

"We have learned that John Kerry just lost 50% of his "Band of Brothers" support. Ralph Dobson has confirmed that he now considers Kerry unfit to be President of the United States. That leaves only a single officer who still endorses him out of the 23 shown in the photo."

Except that of his real "band of brothers" - the guys who were actually out there with him on that swiftboat he commanded - every one of 'em thats still alive except one supports him, and has actually been out there campaigning for him.

Thats nine out of ten guys that actually served with him, under his command, on that boat out there in Vietnam, supporting him. Those guys would know him best, no? The ones in the picture are fellow-swiftboat skippers, who commanded boats of their own.

So whose line just doesnt quite do the trick, JW?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 09:43 am
I've been looking and looking for statements by these guys on the boat with Kerry. I know a couple of them who initially declined later consented to be present at the Convention. Is there a link to somewhere that shows these guys are on the Kerry bandwagon?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 10:04 am
nimh wrote:
... nine out of ten guys that actually served with him, under his command, on that boat out there in Vietnam, supporting him ...

Be that as it may, and I niether dispute that it is nor do I question the motivations or veracity of those 9 - though I will note the nominal crew of a Swift Boat was 5 enlisted and one officer, the fact remains there are many, many others Who Differ

"My name is Steve Gardner. I served in 1966 and 1967 on my first tour of duty in Vietnam on Swift boats, and I did my second tour in '68 and '69, involved with John Kerry in the last 2 1/2 months of my tour. The John Kerry that I know is not the John Kerry that everybody else is portraying. I served alongside him and behind him, five feet away from him in a gun tub, and watched as he made indecisive moves with our boat, put our boats in jeopardy, put our crews in jeopardy... if a man like that can't handle that 6-man crew boat, how can you expect him to be our Commander-in-Chief?"

-- Steven Gardner

"While in Cam Rahn Bay, he trained on several 24-hour indoctrination missions, and one special skimmer operation with my most senior and trusted Lieutenant. The briefing from some members of that crew the morning after revealed that they had not received any enemy fire, and yet Lt.(jg) Kerry informed me of a wound -- he showed me a scratch on his arm and a piece of shrapnel in his hand that appeared to be from one of our own M-79s. It was later reported to me that Lt.(jg) Kerry had fired an M-79, and it had exploded off the adjacent shoreline. I do not recall being advised of any medical treatment, and probably said something like 'Forget it.' He later received a Purple Heart for that scratch, and I have no information as to how or whom.

"Lt.(jg) Kerry was allowed to return to the good old USA after 4 months and a few days in-country, and then he proceeded to betray his former shipmates, calling them criminals who were committing atrocities. Today we are here to tell you that just the opposite is true. Our rules of engagement were quite strict, and the officers and men of Swift often did not even return fire when they were under fire if there was a possibility that innocent people -- fishermen, in a lot of cases -- might be hurt or injured. The rules and the good intentions of the men increased the possibility that we might take friendly casualties."

-- Commander Grant Hibbard, USN (retired)

"My daughters and my wife have read portions of the book 'Tour of Duty.' They wanted to know if I took part in the atrocities described. I do not believe the things that are described happened.

"Let me give you an example. In Brinkley's book, on pages 170 to 171, about something called the 'Bo De massacre' on November 24th of 1968... In Kerry's description of the engagement, first he claimed there were 17 servicemen that were wounded. Three of us were wounded. I was the first..."

-- Joseph Ponder

"During Lt.(jg) Kerry's tour, he was under my command for two or three specific operations, before his rapid exit. Trust, loyalty and judgment are the key, operative words. His turncoat performance in 1971 in his grubby shirt and his medal-tossing escapade, coupled with his slanderous lines in the recent book portraying us that served, including all POWs and MIAs, as murderous war criminals, I believe, will have a lasting effect on all military veterans and their families.

"Kerry would be described as devious, self-absorbing, manipulative, disdain for authority, disruptive, but the most common phrase that you'd hear is 'requires constant supervision.'"

-- Captain Charles Plumly, USN (retired)

"I do not believe John Kerry is fit to be Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces of the United States. This is not a political issue. It is a matter of his judgment, truthfulness, reliability, loyalty and trust -- all absolute tenets of command. His biography, 'Tour of Duty,' by Douglas Brinkley, is replete with gross exaggerations, distortions of fact, contradictions and slanderous lies. His contempt for the military and authority is evident by even a most casual review of this biography. He arrived in-country with a strong anti-Vietnam War bias and a self-serving determination to build a foundation for his political future. He was aggressive, but vain and prone to impulsive judgment, often with disregard for specific tactical assignments. He was a 'loose cannon.' In an abbreviated tour of four months and 12 days, and with his specious medals secure, Lt.(jg) Kerry bugged out and began his infamous betrayal of all United States forces in the Vietnam War. That included our soldiers, our marines, our sailors, our coast guardsmen, our airmen, and our POWs. His leadership within the so-called Vietnam Veterans Against the War and testimony before Congress in 1971 charging us with unspeakable atrocities remain an undocumented but nevertheless meticulous stain on the men and women who honorably stayed the course. Senator Kerry is not fit for command."

-- Rear Admiral Roy Hoffman, USN (retired)

Cease and Desist Letter to Kerry Campaign
Thursday, July 01 2004 @ 10:00 AM PDT
Alvin A. Horne
Attorney at Law
Houston, Texas

Marc Erik Elias, Esquire
General Counsel
John Kerry for President, Inc.

RE: Photograph on pages 24 and 25, Newsweek issue dated March 8, 2004 and Kerry Campaign Lifetime Ad dated May 3, 2004.

June 1, 2004

Dear Mr. Elias:

I'm a former Swift Boat officer and early member of Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. I am also an attorney licensed and authorized to practice law in the State of Texas. Below are listed the names of eleven Swift Boat officers of a total of 20 depicted in the referenced photograph with your client, Senator John Kerry. They are:

George Bates
Thomas Heritage
Terrance Costello
Robert "Rocky" Hildreath
Robert Elder
William Houle
George Elliott
William Schumadine
Al French
Larry Thurlow
Jim Galvin

These officers demand that Senator Kerry's campaign cease and desist from all uses of that photograph, taken on January 22, 1969. To my knowledge, of the remaining eight individuals, Mr. Gilbert and Mr. Crosby are deceased and Messrs. Baker, Bernique, Imbrie and MaCann have not indicated a willingness to presently take any position regarding Mr. Kerry.

First, the use of the eleven images in this political campaign wrongfully and incorrectly suggests their present endorsement of his candidacy for President of the United States of America. By letters delivered to the campaign on May 17 and on May 4, 2004, their objections to the use of the photograph in his campaign and their belief that he is unfit to serve as the Commander-in-Chief were made very clear. In fact, as has long been evident to Senator Kerry, all of these gentlemen have felt anything but comradeship with him at any time since his slanderous testimony before Congress in 1971 and other pronouncements that he and they committed war crimes and atrocities. These pronouncements were at least made in Mr. Kerry's book, New Soldier, repeated in Tour of Duty and affirmed as late as Senator Kerry''s appearance on Meet the Press in April of this year. In that process he tarred the entire serving military in Vietnam with his black brush.

Second, no prior consent was sought or obtained from any of these eleven boat officers before the release by Mr. Kerry or his associates of that photograph to Newsweek, or later to those who crafted his Lifetime ad, a calculated invasion of their privacy rights for personal political gain. None of these officers, at the time of the unauthorized release or any subsequent use of the photograph by the campaign of their images were public figures, as that term is understood within the law. We all know of the aspiring politician who seeks to be photographed with whomever they think is the "Great One" of the time. In this case Mr. Kerry has reversed the ploy to suggest a favorable relationship different than the truth. In no way do these gentlemen seek any limelight not now required by the Senator's distortion of the past and his wrongful claim to the American public that these men are his band of brothers.

Lest anyone yawn and be tempted to write this demand off to political hyperbole during the election season, please convey to Senator Kerry that his blatant and continued corrupt use of this photograph is at least on par with successful claims made by individuals suing commercial advertisers for non-consented use of their images. They sought profit in dollars; he seeks profits in votes.

I look forward to Senator Kerry's immediate compliance with the essence of this demand. If that compliance is not forthcoming or if I fail to receive any satisfactory written response from you within ten days of the date of this letter, then further appropriate action will be taken.

Alvin A. Horne
Marc Erik Elias, Esquire
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 10:07 am
LOL Nimh ... he probably paid them off Smile

And while you're looking up the nine, please explain to me and others exactly HOW long Kerry was incapacitated for each "wound" received for which he was awarded the Purple Heart?

I confess I can't find not one source that details any hospitilization or long-term recovery for his "scratches".

From what I can find, he applied repeatedly until he got the Purple Hearts so he could be sent home early. His constant bragging and exxageration of his accomplishments ever since to get elected to public office doesn't change the fact that most actual Vietnam vets have turned their backs on him.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 10:50 am
JustWonders wrote:
LOL Nimh ... he probably paid them off Smile

Yeah, sure .. just like another vet campaigning for Kerry, Jim Rassmann, whose life Kerry saved ... he probably needed to be paid off, too, to get him to say Kerry's a good guy ..


Trippy, this. (And this goes to Timber, too). You're willing to take the word of people who, according to their own accounts, never met John Kerry in Vietnam, or encountered him once or twice - and instead base their judgment of him being "unfit for command" about what they've read - or, at length, about what they think of his post-war actions. You're willing to take the word of the ONE man who served on Kerry's boat who opposes him now. But when it comes to the testimonies of NINE men who actually served on his boat and now insist on his valour and courage, you just assume out of hand that they've been "paid off"?

Makes one think about a) your view of man and b) the utter, bitter partisanity that must drive you.

JustWonders wrote:
And while you're looking up the nine

Dont need to look 'em up, already did - we've been through this one before, remember, you and me? Take a look at the "Unfit for command" thread again - oh, from about this post onwards, to be reminded.

Steve Gardner, helpfully quoted by Timber as he's been by any conservative prowling any message board in the past month, is the only of all 10 living crew members who served directly with Kerry, who opposes him.

Who be the other nine? Well, for example ...

Reverend David Alston
We usually patrolled the narrow waterways of the Mekong delta, flanked on both sides by thick jungle. [..] Machine-gun fire, rocket-propelled grenades, it all came fast and furious, and Lieutenant Kerry had to make quick, life-or-death decisions for the entire boat. [..]

Manning the deck guns, most of us got wounded sooner or later, including Lieutenant Kerry. It would have been easiest, in an ambush, to simply rake the shore with return fire and roar on down the river to safety. But Lieutenant Kerry was known for taking the fight straight to the enemy. I can still see him now, standing in the doorway of the pilothouse, firing his M-16, shouting orders through the smoke and chaos.

Once, he even directed the helmsman to beach the boat, right into the teeth of an ambush, and pursued our attackers on foot, into the jungle. In the toughest of situations, Lieutenant Kerry showed judgment, loyalty and courage. Even wounded, or confronting sights no man should ever have to see, he never lost his cool.

And when the shooting stopped, he was always there too, with a caring hand on my shoulder asking, "Gunner, are you OK?" I was only 21, running on fear and adrenaline. Lieutenant Kerry always took the time to calm us down, to bring us back to reality, to give us hope, to show us what we truly had within ourselves. I came to love and respect him as a man I could trust with life itself.

Jim Wasser
[John Kerry] is an ironman. He possessed and displayed the qualities to be president. [..] I'm talking straight: He always put his men's welfare first, and was tough, tough, tough. He was a great leader." [..]

"John Kerry is the veteran's veteran," Wasser says. "He had a presence. I trusted him then, and I trusted him now. He made good, sound command decisions. We lost no one.

"I want someone for president who is tested, and this man is tested.

"John Kerry is a proven commander."

Drew Whitlow

Gene Thorson
"In Febuary of 1969 Gene Thorson was patrolling the rivers of South Vietnam with Sen. John Kerry. [..] Thorson was the aft gunner on the boat commanded by Kerry. The year they served together was long enough for Thorson to recognize leadership qualities in the Democratic challenger.

"He had outstanding insticts, I'm glad he was there," Thorson said. "I never heard him get on anybody for anything. And after a fire fight he was the first one to ask if you were all right. He really cared about all of us and he's going to be a great president." [..]

"Gene is a shy man and he didn't talk much about Vietnam until recently [his wife Betty said]. I have seen a different side of him since he's been campaigning. He does it for John Kerry and he does it for the veterans."

Kerry believed if they turned the three swift boats he commanded toward the shore, he would transform a long, horizontal target of three boats traveling side-by-side into a narrower, vertical one. [..]

Thorson said the idea was strange at first, but in retrospect, he firmly believes he wouldn't be alive if the soldiers hadn't gone on the offensive.

"The Viet Cong was waiting to ambush us," Thorson said. "We would have been blown out of the water by a guy with a rocket launcher if we hadn't done it that way."

Del Sandusky
Sandusky described Kerry as a fearless and compassionate leader in battle. [..]

When one veteran asked Sandusky about Kerry critics who say the senator didn't earn his military medals, Sandusky rebuffed the criticism in a deep, raspy voice.

"I know he earned every one of them," Sandusky said. "He saved my life, and I saved his."

Now mind you - I didnt get these quotes from some handily collected, cherry-picked conservative group's e-mail listing. This is what you get when you look up each of these fellow swift boat men's names with Google. Links for each are provided in the other thread.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 10:54 am
"In Febuary of 1969 Gene Thorson was patrolling the rivers of South Vietnam with Sen. John Kerry. [..] Thorson was the aft gunner on the boat commanded by Kerry. The year they served together was long enough for Thorson to recognize leadership qualities in the Democratic challenger.

Um, wasn't Kerry in Vietnam four months? And on the boat on a part of that time? Already I'm a bit suspicious here. We have all these glowing accolades from a crew that was with him less than four months? And a statement from his commanding officer who says he was removed from duty?

Something isn't adding up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 10:59 am
Hmmm. Perhaps I could email one of the nine and get THEM to tell me about these "dreadful" war wounds.

Nimh - I'm sure the Johns appreciate your unwavering support. Probably their only regret is you won't be here on 11/2. Or will you be?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:17 am
Foxfyre wrote:
We have all these glowing accolades from a crew that was with him less than four months?

Yeah, whats four months in Vietnam? Just 120 days on which you could be killed any moment. How can you really get to know each other, at all, in 120 days on a swift boat in Vietnam, eh?

Yeah, any of us couch-based conservative commentarians can easily judge that, hey, four months of Vietnam duty, what does that all amount to?

Foxfyre wrote:
And a statement from his commanding officer who says he was removed from duty?

Missed that - I worked my way through all of these "testimonies" that Timber just posted (and JW had posted before) - but I didnt see any "removed from duty". He got to go home cause he got his medals and was allowed to. Perhaps you can point it out?

Did any of you notice that most of those testimonies Timber posted are 80% about, you know, what the guys thought about Kerry going home and then joining the anti-war protests? That they thought that move dishonorable? Well, imagine that, Vietnam officers not liking the anti-war protests. What does that say about Kerry's feats while he was in Vietnam, though?

On that score, all we have in that post is the testimony of Steve Gardner, to oppose that of his nine former crewmates; one of Commander Hubbard, whose account doesnt quite show whether he actually even met John Kerry or whether all his info is second-hand (he was debriefed about an action involving Kerry by one of his lieutenants, and so on); and that of Cpt. Plumly, under whose command Kerry was for two or three specific operations. Plumly attributes a host of negative adjectives to Kerry, without actually recounting anything whatsoever about what Kerry did or didnt do in Vietnam to merit them. Instead, Plumly goes on about how slanderous Kerry's actions at home were, reconforiming that his beef is not with anything Kerry did in Vietnam but with what he did afterwards. The others, meanwhile, seem to be mostly going on what they read.

Foxfyre wrote:
Something isn't adding up.

You're damn right.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:21 am
<applause to nimh>
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:28 am
Fox - I guess we'll have to do our own research on the "year" that guy says he served with Kerry and what hospitals Kerry was treated in for his "scratches".

No one here seems to have the answers Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:29 am
JustWonders wrote:
His constant bragging and exxageration of his accomplishments ever since to get elected to public office doesn't change the fact that most actual Vietnam vets have turned their backs on him.

Yeah - most Vietnam vets who didnt actually serve in his crew, unlike the men who are now with Kerry on stage ("bragging" about Kerry's accomplishments when he served with them).

Vietnam vets who mostly know him from books and newspapers and from the anti-war protests they hated.

Meanwhile, though - even that statement is getting doubtful. "Most actual Vietnam vets", yeah, really? If so, only barely.

According to the latest CBS News poll from directly after the Convention, 48 percent of veterans now favor Kerry, and 47 percent Bush. (In June, Mr. Kerry had still trailed Bush by 15 percentage points, but by mid-July he'd already narrowed the gap to six.)

And according to the latest Marist poll (thanks to Timber for bringing it to my attention), 47% of veterans support Bush, 41% support Kerry and 4% Nader. A plurality of veterans for Bush, but such a small one its not even a majority ...

Don't hold your breath.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:34 am
Well, we all know how unbiased CBS is LOL. What was the exact question, I wonder.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:35 am
JustWonders wrote:
Fox - I guess we'll have to do our own research

Now there's a good idea ... do some of your own research!

Like - actually not just forwarding some campaign mail - but doing some research, of your own!

I know it might strike ya as a novel idea, still. But I assure you, its not so hard, you know - once you get used to it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:38 am
JustWonders wrote:
Well, we all know how unbiased CBS is LOL.

Well, it wasnt so biased as not to still have a 15-point lead among vets for Bush back in June ...

Anyway, thats why I posted two polls, isnt it? For back-up confirmation, and all that. The Marist College poll isnt exactly a liberal-leaning one.

JustWonders wrote:
What was the exact question, I wonder.

Well, look it up, look it up! You were getting ready to actually do some of your own research, remember? You can do it!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 11:39 am
Okay Nimh. Step by step. You have a reference to a year's service there. We know that can't be right.

You have another reference to a six-man boat. But we have nine testimonials supporting Kerry and one criticizing him. How long were any of these guys actually on Kerry's boat? And how many others were there that we don't yet have testimonials from?

Grant Hibbard, Kerry's commanding officer, is not complimentary about Kerry. You can do your own search and make up your own mind whether his criticisms are now politically motivated as is suggested by Wikipedia.

But at least we agree. This all sure doesn't add up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 12:14 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Okay Nimh. Step by step. You have a reference to a year's service there. We know that can't be right.

Yep. My guess is it was a reference to, you know, "the year he served with him" - as in, say, 1969. But - yeah, sure, 4 months, not a full year.

Foxfyre wrote:
You have another reference to a six-man boat. But we have nine testimonials supporting Kerry and one criticizing him. How long were any of these guys actually on Kerry's boat? And how many others were there that we don't yet have testimonials from?

Well, unless you're going to dig up some shocking new fact that neither Fox nor CBS or CNN nor any of the press has managed to uncover, there are in total 10 still living men who served with Kerry on his boat. Thats the number thats repeated time and again.

We know that one of them isnt too happy about Kerry - Steve Gardner.

I went looking for the other names, and I found one newspaper article noting that "eight out of ten" of Kerry's fellow men back then were now out campaigning for him; and I found some more that said "nine out of ten", and that dated from during/after the Convention.

My inference is that there were already eight of his former men out campaigning, and a ninth joined them for the Convention.

Of course, you COULD just come up with numbers of your own - I dont QUITE see why I'm supposed to do all the researching here, when you're the ones trying to make a point. Its easy to smear by speculation, but hardly, er, intellectually honest (and I'm trying to remain polite here).

But anyway, I went looking for specific names, and found these:

Jim Wasser (quoted above)
Gene Thorson (quoted above)
David Alston (quoted above)
Drew Whitlow (quoted above)
Del Sandusky (quoted above)
Fred Short
Bill Zaladonis
Mike Medeiros
Steve Hatch

Thats them ten thats already mentioned.

Tommy Belodeau, died in 1997
Michael McDarris, no longer alive? (mentioned in the recounting of how Kerry earned one of his medals, but yields no further Google results)

Now, with those two included, that makes 12. Two times six. That should answer your other question: there are twelve rather than six because Kerry served on two boats. PCF-94 and PCF-44, if I'm reading the numbers on here right.

You might wanna look at that: its a list of men who joined Kerry at the Boston Convention. And it includes nine out of ten still living former swift boat crewmen of Kerry's.

I already quoted most of them. Fred Short has good things to say about Kerry, too. Medeiros and Hatch I didnt look up - but they came to the Convention to support him. Zaladonis has distinct misgivings about Kerry's anti-war actions, but still praises him for how he did in Vietnam - and came to the Convention to support him.

Foxfyre wrote:
Grant Hibbard, Kerry's commanding officer, is not complimentary about Kerry. You can do your own search and make up your own mind whether his criticisms are now politically motivated as is suggested by Wikipedia.

I dunno, but I did already glean from the damning Hibbard quote above that he seems to have had awfully little direct interaction with Kerry.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 12:23 pm
There are many other quotes from Hibbard that suggest he had more than cursory interaction with kerry. I don't know what I think about all these guys 'campaigning for Kerry' but they sure aren't being quoted in the daily paper or getting TV interviews or otherwise showing up on the front lines of the campaign. Given all the scuttlebutt re 'faked injuries' and the anti-Kerry book coming out, wouldn't you think his campaign would have them out there?

You could very well be right Nimh. But I'm sorry. It just isn't adding up.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 5 Aug, 2004 12:26 pm
You could very well be right Nimh. But I'm sorry. It just isn't adding up.

You just don't WANT it to add up. I mean, 9 out of 10 guys with him support him and say he did a good job and saved lives, but they are obviously full of sh*t, lying, or whatever, while the few who criticize him are obviously right. Right.

I feel like the conservatives and liberals on this board spend 99% of our time shooting right past each other, while not giving credence to each others arguments. Bleh.

0 Replies

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