Foxfyre wrote:Okay Nimh. Step by step. You have a reference to a year's service there. We know that can't be right.
Yep. My guess is it was a reference to, you know, "the year he served with him" - as in, say, 1969. But - yeah, sure, 4 months, not a full year.
Foxfyre wrote:You have another reference to a six-man boat. But we have nine testimonials supporting Kerry and one criticizing him. How long were any of these guys actually on Kerry's boat? And how many others were there that we don't yet have testimonials from?
Well, unless you're going to dig up some shocking new fact that neither Fox nor CBS or CNN nor any of the press has managed to uncover, there are in total 10 still living men who served with Kerry on his boat. Thats the number thats repeated time and again.
We know that one of them isnt too happy about Kerry - Steve Gardner.
I went looking for the other names, and I found one newspaper article noting that "eight out of ten" of Kerry's fellow men back then were now out campaigning for him; and I found some more that said "nine out of ten", and that dated from during/after the Convention.
My inference is that there were already eight of his former men out campaigning, and a ninth joined them for the Convention.
Of course, you COULD just come up with numbers of your own - I dont QUITE see why I'm supposed to do all the researching here, when you're the ones trying to make a point. Its easy to smear by speculation, but hardly, er, intellectually honest (and I'm trying to remain polite here).
But anyway, I went looking for specific names, and found these:
Jim Wasser (quoted above)
Gene Thorson (quoted above)
David Alston (quoted above)
Drew Whitlow (quoted above)
Del Sandusky (quoted above)
Fred Short
Bill Zaladonis
Mike Medeiros
Steve Hatch
Thats them ten thats already mentioned.
Tommy Belodeau, died in 1997
Michael McDarris, no longer alive? (mentioned in the recounting of how Kerry earned one of his medals, but yields no further Google results)
Now, with those two included, that makes 12. Two times six. That should answer your other question: there are twelve rather than six because Kerry served on two boats. PCF-94 and PCF-44, if I'm reading the
numbers on here right.
You might wanna look at that: its a list of men who joined Kerry at the Boston Convention. And
it includes nine out of ten still living former swift boat crewmen of Kerry's.
I already quoted most of them. Fred Short has good things to say about Kerry, too. Medeiros and Hatch I didnt look up - but they came to the Convention to support him. Zaladonis has distinct misgivings about Kerry's anti-war actions, but still praises him for how he did in Vietnam - and came to the Convention to support him.
Foxfyre wrote:Grant Hibbard, Kerry's commanding officer, is not complimentary about Kerry. You can do your own search and make up your own mind whether his criticisms are now politically motivated as is suggested by Wikipedia.
I dunno, but I did already glean from the damning Hibbard quote above that he seems to have had awfully little direct interaction with Kerry.