Tue 20 Jul, 2004 03:28 pm
A lot of my younger married / otherwise attached friends think that it is perfectly fine for a married man or married woman to see a stripper (no touching of course) provided he/she comes home at night. By visit, I don't mean, frequently. Maybe once in a while with the boys or the girls. Most of my older married / otherwise attached friends think that it is inappropriate and a form of cheating. What do you think?
Is it considered cheating (in any form) to see a stripper perform if you are involved with someone else?
I'd say no. I suppose it could be if there was an agreement not to and one went on the sly anyway but otherwise.. nah.
Is it considered cheating to go to a movie together and watch explicit sex scenes (not porno necessarily)? I would say no, it's not cheating. Neither is watching porn, or explicit 'legitimate' movies. I say, as long as the couple is involved, and have an understanding, it's okay.
you will notice that so far all three responses have been from men, and we all agree that going to a strip club does not constitute cheating

True. I don't go to strip clubs myself. The beer is too expensive.
And watered down too damnit! (umm.. not that I'd know from personal experience of course. *snicker*)
Waste of money, perhaps, but not cheating--although I think lap dancing might be bending the rules in a big way.
It depends on the people in the relationship.
I would not be upset or bothered if my guy went to a strip club once in a while (but not on a regular basis). I wouldn't be insanely jealous if I accidentally heard he had a lap-dance on a very special occasion (e.g. if it was a bachelor party of his best friend or something like this) but I don't need to hear the details. I would be furious if he kissed a stripper, or anyone else for that matter or if he made it a habit to go to strip clubs/fondle strippers.
Of course, I would have to be able to do it too - go to male strip-clubs that is!
What's good for the goose ...
I know a woman who said, "I don't care how he works up an appetite so long as he has all his meals at home".
I depends what your partner thinks.
My wife and I both think it would be cheating, therefor it would be.
If only one or the other thinks it is, then you may need to discuss what you consider loyalty in the relationship.
Christie - I'm in the older category - and I think it's just fine.
I keep encouraging the lad to go with his pal, but he won't. I find it kind of odd being involved with a fella who doesn't like going out to see the strippers. O.K., the beer is too expensive, but it can be a fun afternoon or evening out.
not cheating but really stupid consumerism.....the amount of money you spend in one evening at a strip bar would pay for a hooker......she'll do exactly what you ask her to and then get the hell out so you can catch The Daily Show.....perfect.....
If the couple has made arrangements / agreements/rules about things like that then the partner who goes to see strippers is the one 'cheating'. If there isnt any problems with it on either end of the relationship then no. It isnt cheating.
Why is this in the philosophy section? Because it's about values or social contracts?
i think its meant to be a debate...
I would personally have a problem with it, but that's just me.
what would you have a problem with?