Throughout our married life, I have gone to studios
to paint the nude live model. Is that considered
Slappy that's hilarious!
You know what we mean.
To like the inside as well as the outside. I need both!
I don't think painting nude live models is cheating at all. I am curious though, what's it like to see and paint a complete stranger's nude body, wedding tackle and all.
paulaj wrote:Slappy that's hilarious!
You know what we mean.
To like the inside as well as the outside. I need both!
As a fellow Canadian, I must reveal the secret of Alex Trebek. Follow me if you have a passing knowledge of Franglais. He is an icon here, a hero, if you will. Insiders are privy to his famous pick-up line: "Alex you touch me if you enjoy my sultry 'tres-becs', Quebec style, my sweet poutine. If you do not appreciate the size of my bec, you are indeed in jeapordy, choux."
well i voted no and now i will explain why (excuse my unorthodox style of response.) i dont beleive it would be cheating to go to a strip club, or have contact with another person, or even go as far as to have sex with another person. the reason for this is that i dont beleive that sex should be part of the foundation of a relationship. dont get me wrong i am still male and love sex, but basing a relationship off of sex seems silly to me.
paulaj, it's no big deal.
YES YES YES IT IS CONSIDERED CHEATING!!! (I'm in the young group.) I believe if two people are completely commited to eachother, then there is no need to go to a strip bar. When you find that right person, everything about them is beautiful. Their personality, their body, and even their flaws. I feel that if my hunny loves me, then he'll repsect me and our relationship by adoring only my body. I think it's okay to think other women/men attractive, but to go to the strip bar.. that's a big "No No" in my book.
Right on Montana... That's the problem with society these days... Sex (and things related) are taken so lightly these days. I'm not saying "Wait til you get married," or anything, but jeez.. A little respect and dignity please?
C'mon. You think your boyfriends/husbands never check out women? What's the difference if they're doing it at a strip bar, on TV, or some girl walking down the street....NO guy is ever going to ONLY "adore" his girl's body, he's going to adore physically being with another girl is another thing.
I have to agree with Montana and Mhcol...
The difference between checking out another woman at the mall or at work and going to a place specifially designed around sex is that he is intentionally going to get turned on by other women. Appreciating a beautiful woman with a nice body is one thing but paying to lust after one is wrong in my book. But that is just me.
I guess it depends on what kind he goes to as well, as to how inappropriate I think it is. Topless, well, hey, boobs are boobs and although I don't really think it's good for a relationship, it's the lesser of the two evils. Competely naked, that's another story all together.
And I always wonder why guys would want to go....those girls are usually nasty!
Kristie wrote:And I always wonder why guys would want to go....those girls are usually nasty!
^ Ugh, aren't they? And Kristie is right... There is a difference between just being at some random place and an attractive woman walks by... and paying to see woman with the intent to get turned on. Hey if I see a hot guy I'ma say it! And if I see a hot chick... imma say it!!!
Yes, some strippers do look like sea donkeys.
And some are hot.
By nasty I don't necessarily mean looks. From what I understand, most strippers don't make their money by parading around the stage. It's the up close and personal that pays the bills. And it doesn't cost that much to get more than a lap dance.
In MA, they're pretty strict with that stuff. However, the girls for the most part are pretty f*cked up in the head.
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:In MA, they're pretty strict with that stuff. However, the girls for the most part are pretty f*cked up in the head.
Heehee.... Well they probably ARE all f***ed up in the head if you're meeting them in the strip bar... Lol... Just kidding.
Kristie wrote:The difference between checking out another woman at the mall or at work and going to a place specifially designed around sex is that he is intentionally going to get turned on by other women. Appreciating a beautiful woman with a nice body is one thing but paying to lust after one is wrong in my book.
The difference is pretty obvious, yeah - for sure.
Still - just playing advocate of the devil here, like - how exactly does it compare to, say, those girls (and I'm talkin about the
younger contingent of girlfriends and wives, obviously) who pay lotsa bucks to go to scream at their favourite male pop (or rap ...) idol?
I mean, when I see them images of those girls at concerts in the front row just screaming and screaming at this guy on stage, I dont exactly get the impression that, you know, its just and all about the music ... :wink:
Please feel free to play devils husband does it all the time and I am getting better and better at debating against it :wink:
Everything in life is sexual. Or can be sexual. Humans are sexual beings by nature. That's ok. Having a "crush" on a superstar is one thing. I have a pitful obsession with Andy Garcia so I am guilty myself. And if my hubby wants to appreciate a pop idol that's ok. There will never be any "on the side action" (You all wish!) happening at a concent with Britney Spears, and even though she has her boobs out on stage every time she performs, she isn't tossing them in anyones face.
I guess the worst part about strip joints and why most women think it is unacceptable is the
potential for very bad things to happen (Have you ever seen that movie? Dark dark dark...

Besides, men who are married have other things to worry about spending money on. Like their families.
I believe that women go to strip clubs for three reasons: 1. For the hell of it/ bachelorette party, 2. They are lonely, 3. They are obsessed...Here is my take on "strip clubs"...Subconciously, EVERY woman is curious about strip clubs (regardless whether you are single or not), and that's human and therefore should not be thought of negatively. The idea of questioning whether you are cheating or not if you're involved seriously, is very much up to the couple and not really something you can give a universal answer to, because I doubt that the porn star and the soccer mom have the same ideas on what is or isn't "cheating".
One main reason for going to a "strip club" (for a woman) is to just "have fun with the girls". Women like to feel arousal from men who are more than willing (especially when they are being paid) to give them that kind of attention; it's all about the sexuality that is emitted, NOT the sensuality which most women look for in a "companion". To give a clearer example, if you ever go to a "strip club" note how women are dressed (provocatively), act (out of character), and what kind of stereotype you would normally file under (lonely wives, widows, bachelorette, or soap-opera-watching-homemaker). In any sense you have either lost, losing, or have had something taken away emotionally. If you have a long-term relationship that is beautiful in itself, there should not be a "need" to go to a strip club because it's nothing but emotional masturbation: in the end, you're only really f*cking yourself. In the average healthy long-term relationship, areas of sexuality and sensuality should be high on the list of "Things-we work-together-on-to-increase-longevity-of -relationship" (hopefully, at least in my world and I don't believe I just pulled that out my @$$). so here is a clue; if you find yourself wanting to go to such a place more often than normal, QUESTION your situation. If you go because you're "man" doesn't give you what you desire- you're cheating...because cheating is when you look towards someone else to satisfy what you want (what a SIGNIFICANT other should be doing, or why bother making that person significant otherwise?!).
For men it's a tad different because of a double standard; men don't go to be thought of as sexually appealing, they go mainly because the arousal is completely one-sided (the woman) and there are no strings attached- If you ever go to one, the common types are bachelors, 30 something single lonely men, and divorcees. In any case, the man could care less if the woman is completely hot, just as long as she gets the "job" done- "Arouse me, and nobody gets hurt"....
I don't belive men are machine-like when it comes to "strip clubs", they are just more about the objective; the objectification of the "woman" itself. It's also the idea that you have "control" over someone else (the very idea that you can control the time you spend with a female dancer is a form of "Master-to-Slave" complex- dancers don't work at strip clubs for the minimum wage! If a man has intentions of going to a strip club and he is in a long-term relationship, then I believe he should question WHY he is in a long term relationship in the first place- If it's b/c you passionately love your significant other then, why bother going to a strip club ( you're sig. other removes all need to have a sexual "objective" fulfilled or else (once again) why bother making them significant!?)
I could be really off base, full of crap, etc. but this is what I have figured so far- I don't know everything but I am constantly mentally revising my views to better understand the things around me- That's why I'm very particualr about posting something, b/c it feels so final when you type it and then submit it..I almost feel like there is no room for change or growth...So please do not be too angered if you're offended..if you do, LET IT GO for your own piece of mind b/c I really won't care for the narrowmindedness of others just the addition of their positive perspectives- I always like to be the student and never the teacher...
With open heart and open mind~