If you stay around, reading what you think is disgusting, then you are either a pervert, a masochist or both.
When I find things of this nature . . . harmless bits of humor . . . that I dislike, I just ignore them. People send me videos on youtube all the time. I like some and dislike others. I thank each sender. Why should I hurt someone's feelings if they happen to have different taste in music? Why should you disagree with the folks who are enjoying this thread? There have been 65 replies and 18 thumbs up votes.
Remember, okie, how many times you have attempted to inject humor and people were unaware that was what you were doing? Remember the serious answers you received?
Isn't it about time that you recognized that you are not unique? Gus is unique. Dys is unique. You are just out of kilter.
Now, Emily Dickinson wrote that she things slant. I dearly enjoy my neighbor in this part of the state Arlo Guthrie and I think he sees things just as slant as Emily did. I really think, for you, that your visual horizon is at the tip of your nose. You don't see them slant: you see them not at all.