cavfancier wrote:My poll wears an extra large conundrum.
ribbed for voting pleasure?
I voted Facist . . . my plans to become Benevolent Dictator of the World are close enough to fruition that i no longer need hide them . . .
I ain't no biased . . . i know i'm right . . .
Since I'm a liberal then we all know I'd vote for the
godlesscommunistsocialistevilsaddamlovingamericandestroying Party
Conundrum or not, I agree with Phoenix that there is no place on the poll for my particular socio/economic/political persuasions. I have long believed that an objective analysis of points of view taken issue by issue with no political party or ideology attached to the issues will reveal that more people will be conservative on more points of view than theywill be liberal even among those who consider themselves liberals.
Nevertheless, depending on our personal biases and prejudices I believe the following to be true:
1. Opposition or support for an issue is more often based on the political party/person who proposed or supports it than based on the merits of the issue itself.
2. There is a strong tendency to stereotype members of a political party or even regulars on a message board. This colors perception of intent, motive, or purpose no matter what the issue. We tend to insist that others meet our positive or negative expectations of them.
3. Evenso, it is a rare person who is 100% 'conservative' or 'liberal' on probably any issue, let alone all issues. We're all hybrid mixes of varying degrees. I doubt any poll of reasonable length could be designed that would accurately reflect this.
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:There are two types of people on A2K...those that agree with me and the dumb asses......

That makes one type of people...
It only took you until 2:00 pm EST to come up with that clever
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:It only took you until 2:00 pm EST to come up with that clever
I logged on at 1:59 pm EST, wow!
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:It only took you until 2:00 pm EST to come up with that clever
Watch it,
BiPB. I expect
Karzak will come back at you with a real zinger...
on Monday at around 9:30 a.m.
joefromchicago wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:It only took you until 2:00 pm EST to come up with that clever
Watch it,
BiPB. I expect
Karzak will come back at you with a real zinger...
on Monday at around 9:30 a.m.

a day late and a dollar short.
joefromchicago wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:It only took you until 2:00 pm EST to come up with that clever
Watch it,
BiPB. I expect
Karzak will come back at you with a real zinger...
on Monday at around 9:30 a.m.
joe you must be psychic......could be all that coffee..... :wink:
Karzak wrote:joefromchicago wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:It only took you until 2:00 pm EST to come up with that clever
Watch it,
BiPB. I expect
Karzak will come back at you with a real zinger...
on Monday at around 9:30 a.m.

a day late and a dollar short.
well....a fast reply for sure......still waiting on the clever zinger though.......
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Karzak wrote:joefromchicago wrote:Bi-Polar Bear wrote:It only took you until 2:00 pm EST to come up with that clever
Watch it,
BiPB. I expect
Karzak will come back at you with a real zinger...
on Monday at around 9:30 a.m.

a day late and a dollar short.
well....a fast reply for sure......still waiting on the clever zinger though.......
Well, so much goes over your head you might be waiting for a long, long time air rises rapidly....and disperses harmlessly...
If nothing else, cerebral flatulence appears well established :wink:
OK - before I even vote I have a complaint (of course I would have). Dunno if this has already been mentioned.
Theres nothing wrong with using a 1-10 left-right scale in a poll like this. Well, of course, many of our opinions are hard to classify like that, plus, the 1s and 10s might have a surprising lot in common - but its done regularly enough, this 1-10 scale, by serious politicologists and all.
But you added "communist" to 1 and "fascist" to 10. There's a rub.
For example - whatdya do if you're an anarchist? An anarchist is as leftwing as possible - a 1 if there's any. But an anarchist is also diametrically opposed to anything communist. The communists used to kill the anarchists off back in the Soviet Union. Communists want the state to have everything; anarchists want no state. The difference is bigger than that between many 4s and 8s in your poll.
The same I'm sure holds true on the right. What, for example, if you're a Libertarian, capital L: no government, no taxes, the market is everything. Thats pretty much a 10 - but its, again, diametrically opposed to anything fascist.
So ... if you replace "communist" with, say, "furthest left" or "radical/extreme left" or something - same on the other side .. then the people can make up what that means themselves!
(To illustrate, I would feel a lot more comfortable voting something like "2" than I do now ...)
I was assuming that fascist = right and communist = left. Was I wrong in my assumption?
see my post above yours, mcgentrix ...
Ok got my first taste of the Ak2 power
My thread was locked, no reason given, no notice just locked.
Sorry but I just left a message board that did this kind of thing. If you're going to pull this stuff at least have the courage to tell someone why and that way you don't appear so dictorial and people will know what it is they are being prevented from.