chai2 wrote:
I'm trying to imagine how people from Oz and England here are viewing this country through the media buzz of "cop killing blacks, beware!"
it's got absolutely nothing to do with "media buzz".
interested people in other countries have been looking at the American statistics for years. They are disturbing.
People from around the world have travelled in the US and seen the reality on the street. It is disturbing.
I've seen friends and family treated with less respect because of their appearance. Why do I say that? because politely asking for a cup of tea should not be handled differently for a white customer than a non-white customer. That's before you get to some of the ridiculousness of how some people are treated by the police.
There's a reason I'm almost always the driver/talker when we cross the border into the US. Border control doesn't give me the bs they do my friends/family. If I'm not the driver/talker, things change when I get out of the car.
I've had non-white American friends visit here - and tell me how surprised they were by how they were treated. How were they treated? politely. That should not be a surprise.
There is another angle to this as well. In the US, I sometimes have a difficult time if I ask non-white people for information/help. My friends tell me it's because white people aren't necessarily trusted by non-white people. Fair enough. It's something I have to adjust for when I travel in the US.
It's not like people suddenly noticed there is a problem in the US. There may have been a recent increase in coverage - but it's an old problem people know about.
It's also getting old that some people still need to be told this is a reality.