Re #1....wow, you really get sarcasm.
Also, where did I say I attacked someone with a cigarette? I said I jabbed one at a person, and burned them, but it wasn't an attack. If you can't figure that out, I can't help you. I said a lit cigarette can indeed be used as a weapon.
As far as putting their life at risk, yes they do so, potentially every day. But to say that they should not protect themselves when they feel they are at risk is Not True. So yes, I do have a problem with the false assumption that because they put themselves at risk, they are supposed to go against their life preserving instincts to not be harmed or killed.
Musing here, maybe that's the problems I'm encountering....People are confusing that fact that a police officer took a job knowing his life can, and probably will at some point be put at risk during his duties. That in no way means however, that he's supposed to ignore things that in his professional opinion could harm or kill him.
The job of the officer is not to blindly not stop potential harm to him. That would be a death wish, and make the officer pychologically incapable of the job.
Again, and the point some people seem to be missing, is that bad police officers exist. They should be dealt with. However, it's like, as I said, a witch hunt recently, twisting and turning stories, leaving out pertinent facts that change of essence of the story, assuming from the get go the police officer must be at fault, and each person being judge jury and hangman.
I feel like there's a mob with pitchforks out there, jonesing for blood. There's little rational thought. No one is stepping back and looking at the entire picture.
If I had all the fact, I could formulate an opinion of my own as to the officers culpability.
But, in truth, as exhibited here, I've been hearing all sorts of crazy conclusions. The boy is dead! The boy is dead!...no he's not. They murdered that woman! they murdered that woman! Whoever "they" are. Did they? I don't know, no one has determined that yet. Yet, when the family immediately states "oh...she would never have done that", well that's all we need to hear to make it gospel truth, isn't it? Never mind the fact it has been found she's made a previous suicide attempt, and that we absolutely have reached no conclusions as to what happened in that cell.
Sandra Blank may have done nothing to deserve death. Then again, she may have killed herself, as she had tried in the past. Which I guess is her right.
Why are people paying so much attention to media sensation, youtube videos. and cherry picking and changing at will the facts that are currently known?
Why are we not looking at what happened, and waiting for further statements and evidence to be brought to light, that could change our knowledge of what happened?
Maybe the policeman did shoot inappropriately. Maybe Sandra Blank was murdered. Maybe maybe maybe.
I just don't know, and won't until I know the entire, fact based, evidenced based story.
It's almost like some people want to have police officers harmed, in order to prove they are really doing their job properly.