African-Americans For Bernie Sanders - Facebook¬if_t=like
scroll down to "What are everyone's thoughts about what happened in Seattle?" check out the comments are just a few...
Christina Shanteé That they're ridiculous and clearly have done no research on Bernie. But I'm trying to see the silver lining in hoping that somehow, because of this more attention will be given to Bernie by the minority community. Bernie should outright say, "Why would you come to my rally and interrupt me when I've been fighting for you all YOUR life."
Steve Isidor These two women ARE idiots. They should protest people who have never done or said anything in favor of black people. #Blacklivesmatter should back Sanders if they would like to see a change in America. #Sanders2016
Joe Starosielec I'm not here give any POC permission to do something or not. It was their decision to protest Sanders. It's just obvious that they don't understand economics or Sanders' role in improving black lives. They need to do some research and find the real enemy.
Derrick Kardos idiots. and they need to be stopped before they succeed in sabotaging bernie's campaign.
Mark Shea Where's the outrage at Trump & the Republicans? The real problem.
Inas El-Sabban #BLM protesters are most definitely doing themselves and the movement a huge disservice by targeting the wrong candidate, as #Bernie is #BLM's and African Americans' #1 advocate. As per my post today, the #BLM folks should wake up and smell the coffee when it comes to their approach regarding issues that are of importance to them and their true blue allies (namely, Bernie Sanders and his supporters.) 🌝
Paula S. Scott Stupid. They don't represent me.