Yesterday opening my living room sliding door a spider let out a itty bitty battle cry and leaped from its' perch onto my head (or that's how I imagined it anyway hehe.) Thankfully my hair is kept short so I felt it, shook my head, and saw a disturbing dark colored, possibly black spider on the carpet. Grabbing a brick used for bookeneds from the shelf I clobbered it quickly only then realizing I probably should tried figuring out the species.
Then naturally I had a nightmare about it later that evening. And waking up this AM was surprised to see yet another even larger spider between wall and ceiling. Being just out of reach I wondered how I could squish it. Flyswatter in hand I dragged it along into the arachnid figuring if nothing else I could knock it onto the floor and end it there. Unfortunately (predictably hehe) I only knocked it down behind my computer desk and now there's a woudned and presumedly very pissed off venomous bug somewhere. Not a good thought for us barefoot types. I just hope they dont take things personally and hatch plans for retribution.
So as a safety measure I"m wondering about home remedies for typically encountered midwest domestic spider species. Brown recluse for example. Have gotten at least 4 such bites over the years here, 3 on my face (and the implcations of those keep me from dozing off for days afterwords hehe.)