au1929 wrote:Fishin
Native Americans and their status is not in question.
If it is not too intrusive. What was it that your X was qualifying for. Should she be given preferential treatment simply because her parents were born in Puerto Rico?
I only threw in Native Americans because it is one area where I know qualification standards exist.
My ex was applying for tuituion assistance to go to night school. The school basically had eveyone fill out teh applications and submit them and she checked the box saying she was hispanic. Then they wanted to see some proof once they reviewed the application. In her case, it didn't matter. We exceeded the income threshold so she didn't qualify anyway (which we knew was going to happen to begin with.).
Should it have mattered? Probably not in her case. She didn't have any claim that she had been discriminated against based on her ethnic heritage. I'm hestitant to throw out the entire program based on that though. There are people who are still discriminated against and they should have some avenue available to address that. That is what the original program was intened to be and what I think it should go back to being.