On the paragraphs thing, I started to post a comment wishing for paragraphs and then thought I had what my aunt of yore would have called a "crust" since I don't elaborate my own political points all that coherently. Still, it would help.
You ain't required by law to agree with the government; that's why the secrecy and the vans are essential to the SECRIT PLAN.
Mysteryman said:
"The american born Tokyo Rose was practicing a form of dissent,wasnt she?
She broadcast ship movements,and then those ships were attacked by Japanese planes. Men died in those attacks."
Huh? What on earth are you talking about?
She broadcast from JAPAN!
IF she knew anything about ship movements, she only knew whatever the Japanese authorities told her.
Tell me,does this qualify as peaceful,legitimate dissent to anyone?
"My first concern is to protect the civil rights of the 8.1 million people that live here," Bloomberg said, after the Daily News revealed schemes by some protesters to halt trains or even force cops to evacuate Madison Square Garden.
"If people want to come here and protest, we also want to accommodate them, but nobody is going to take away the rights of our citizens to go about their business, go to school, go to work," Bloomberg said.
The mayor acknowledged there's a "variety of ways" fringe groups "can hurt this city." But the NYPD is on top of it, he said.
The devious tactics being promoted include Internet postings, revealed by The News, that explain how to use gunpowder or ammonium nitrate to fool bomb- sniffing dogs on trains."
Oh, and i forgot to mention . . . what an incredibly stupid and invidious thread . . .
ILZ, while I don't always agree with your opinions, I love the way they are expressed. Always very entertaining.
I often agree with ILZ, and still understand on the occasions when I don't.
I can't remember a time when I've disagreed with his logic, but I still bet we have different favorite flavors of ice cream.
Ice cream, started, as I seem to have read, by the arabs.. or maybe that was just the ice part.
Eh, I forget, but they are in there at the beginning.
You must understand if you try to research this matter, that there are varying points of view.
In any case, in my own opinion, the height of ice cream is at a gelateria on via Uffizi Vicario in Roma, a place with its own long history, Giolitti.
osso, I'm pretty sure I saw your picture on a bottle of Jones' Soda this morning.