well, ain't the baby ox a beaut. "third world justice" is what the dear little snookums wants?
would that be cattle prods and gitmo?...or are gas chambers on your mind as well?
so, as a patriotic american who believes our strength is our diversity of opinions and in honor of today, the 200th aniversary of the burr/hamilton duel. i hereby challenge the baby ox to a duel.
BTW; mysterman you mentioned that
Quote:When dissenters actually help the enemy (human shields in Iraq,providing financial aid to al queda,etc)
talk is cheapest commodity there is. but then again, the brainiac that you are, you must have the goods to back up your claim that the 50% of the american people who are dissenting on bush and his wild west ride thru mesopotamia are aiding and abetting terrorism? or are you telling us here that the few americans and other nationals who are willing to sacrifice their own bodies for peace, or such financiers (btw: mostly saudis, you know, those old family friends of george bush?) of the al quida are representative of the 50% of the american people against this war and bush?
i don't agree with you on that. it is using the cloak of patriotism to cloak scoundrels. nor do i believe that dissent hurts the america i have grown to love. i do agree that it hurts george bush, but america is not george bush.
in your meandering peregrinations across the boundaries of sensibility perhaps you can explain how it is that you and your dear buddy ox have arrived at using the same rhetorical devices of threatening and silencing dissenters that are also used by america's enemies and are as well seemingly prepared (as ox wants) to do to your american opponents exactly what the al quida wants to do to all of us?
i dont know which is worse, listening to americans who want to silence me or kill me because i believe in the american freedom to dissent or al quida, because they want kill me because i live in a country where dissent is legal.
your fellow americans who disagree with you are not your enemy. when you (collectively, as ox is included) call for silencing (and by force if need be, as ox states) non-violent dissent and attempt to villianize as enemies americans who dissent from your ideas, you can just as readily and reasonably be accused of attacking the real, gained-by-the-blood-of-our-forefathers freedom of dissent and liberty in america and of doing bin laden's handiwork for him.
Yes, back to Pogo we go.
there are as many people opposed to this stupid war as support it. i would submit that in the fullness of time it is those alleged patriots who support senseless, costly, and bloody conflicts in far-away lands are the ones who are making this country less safe than before.
i just wish my uncle was here to tell you all about it, but he's already dead. he died in a jungle in southeast asia during a previous futile war.