Sat 10 Jul, 2004 03:40 pm
I believe in the freedom afforded to us in the Bill of Rights. I believe in the Constitution of the United States of America. I believe in the kind philosophy of Jesus. Having said all that let me also say that it is time for all patriotic Americans to do something about these America hating citizens. And I'm not talking about the people who just disagree with the current direction we are taking, however misguided I may think they are. They have a right to think and believe as they please. But I have, after hearing the rhetoric of scores of "Americans" spouting hate for their country, its founding philosophies, and its leaders, those lying or misrepresenting of facts for the express purpose of undermining the security of our forces abroad and the morale here at home, and also just plain boneheaded hatred of this country and patriots alike, as I said, after all that, I have begun to wonder if it is time to take action. I don't know what, but there must be something that we can do to avoid being divided and conquered from within. These people are our enemy as much as any member of al Qaeda will ever be. Perhaps a little taste of third world justice would open their eyes? I don't know any other way. Providing comfort and aid to the enemy is treason, perhaps legal remedies are appropriate? I'm open to suggestions. But whatever the method, let's stand up for our country. And to those of you who hate America and live here, my hope for you is that someday, as you walk down the street, you hear the sound of screeching tires, and a non-descript van slows just enough for the door to be slung open and your sorry but dragged inside. And as you are blindfolded and hogtied, may the longing you feel for the American heroes of the war on terror to come to your aid seem to you an obvious irony. FIGHT FOR YOUR COUNTRY!!!!
So, you're saying you have no problem with dissent, right ?
Because I LOVE my country as much as anyone could, and I afford those who serve in the military the utmost respect, and I despise cowardly terrorists of any kind, and ..... I completely and utterly oppose the direction into which this current administration has taken my country. That's ok, right ?
(re "the direction" I referenced above: We were led into an unjustified, ill-planned, costly and devastating war for no legitimate reason; we arrogantly and dismissively thumbed our noses at foreign nations who questioned / opposed that action destroying fifty plus years of hard won diplomatic ties; by concentrating on Iraq rather than Afghanistan, and by marching in unilaterally to effect regime change, we have allowed ourselves to be painted as anti-muslim, white, christian, western invaders thereby fueling the ranks of terrorists for years to come; tax cuts here at home that made the rich richer and never trickled down to anyone have divided our country economically; allowing policy (stem cell research, faith based charities, gay civil rights) to be shaped by organized religion extremists has divided our country socially; ignoring health care and under-funding education and veterans benefits have cast a shameful light on the pririties of our current administration. Bush is arrogant, divisive, and, in my opinion, truly un-American. As I said above, I love my country, and the freedom, equality, inclusiveness, compassion, and justice for which it stands.
So my objections to the current administration are ok, right?
Just watching for now. I have to see where this one goes.
Jesus Christ. I can't wait til certain a2kers get on this one, if the thread stays civil enough to not get locked out or people banned. They'll make mince-meat out of this guy.
Oh Jeez
I'm sure we're going to get some very interesting posts from "nuclear ox"...
Way to welcome a new member you guys. Welcome Nuclear Ox. Everybody is entitled to his/her opinion. If you get pinned to the wall for yours, it doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong.
Doesn't necessarily mean the opposite, either...
I wonder what "action" he proposes? Rounding up all dissenters and placing them in camps perhaps?
Hoping for a crime to befall those who do not share your positions is indicative of a significantly flawed position (in that you are willing to wish harm to those who do not share it).
I don't see anybody he wishes harm to other than those who hate America while they live here, and the harm seems pretty mild at that. A lot of us wish those who hate America would just go someplace they like better.
It appears that Nuclear Ox posts on at least two other forums of which I'm not a member so I can't give you a clue to what is causing the beef.
However, as a new member, Nuclear Ox is not off to a very friendly start.
I'm also curious about Nuclear Ox's slogan: "Love is the atomic bomb of human conflict." What does it mean and how is it consistent with the screed Nuclear Ox posted?
I prefer the following motto: "Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties." --John Milton
Foxfyre wrote:I don't see anybody he wishes harm to other than those who hate America while they live here, and the harm seems pretty mild at that. A lot of us wish those who hate America would just go someplace they like better.
I knew I could trust you to identify with it on some level.
"Hate America" usually means just having different opinions than righties about what America's direction should be. It's a lame way for them to neglect to refute arguments and just ascribe malice instead. A signal of a weak position or skills in interlocution.
And if you think kidnapping is "pretty mild", well I won't argue with you. It's considered about as grave a crime as murder for a reason.
angie wrote:So, you're saying you have no problem with dissent, right ?
Because I LOVE my country as much as anyone could, and I afford those who serve in the military the utmost respect, and I despise cowardly terrorists of any kind, and ..... I completely and utterly oppose the direction into which this current administration has taken my country. That's ok, right ?
(re "the direction" I referenced above: We were led into an unjustified, ill-planned, costly and devastating war for no legitimate reason; we arrogantly and dismissively thumbed our noses at foreign nations who questioned / opposed that action destroying fifty plus years of hard won diplomatic ties; by concentrating on Iraq rather than Afghanistan, and by marching in unilaterally to effect regime change, we have allowed ourselves to be painted as anti-muslim, white, christian, western invaders thereby fueling the ranks of terrorists for years to come; tax cuts here at home that made the rich richer and never trickled down to anyone have divided our country economically; allowing policy (stem cell research, faith based charities, gay civil rights) to be shaped by organized religion extremists has divided our country socially; ignoring health care and under-funding education and veterans benefits have cast a shameful light on the pririties of our current administration. Bush is arrogant, divisive, and, in my opinion, truly un-American. As I said above, I love my country, and the freedom, equality, inclusiveness, compassion, and justice for which it stands.
So my objections to the current administration are ok, right?
Why do you define terrorists as cowardly?
Yeah you're a master at reading minds Craven. Glad I didn't disappoint you. Some of us, however, are able to recognize a metaphor or old fashioned American exaggeration when we see it and don't take things literally when they aren't intended literally.
I think it WAS intended literally. Hey, Nuke, you give me five good men and a van, and I'll get crack'n.
I did no mind reading Fox, but say what you will.
I think this is going to be a very long thread. I'll be in the corner out of the way watching stuff fly across the room.
Actually, my question isn't just directed at angie, I'm curious if anyone can give me a good reason to support why terrorists are referred to as cowards.
Foxfyre wrote:I don't see anybody he wishes harm to other than those who hate America while they live here,
Which of course you deem to be acceptable behaviour. So what is an acceptable punishment for loyal Americans who are frightened of America's creeping fascism?