I'm left wondering:
As an individual:
- do you know who you are
- do you value who you are
- do you work on your self assurance? Self assurance is where you can fall down, and you know that falling down is a learning experience, and that you will eventually succeed. It is markedly difference from both confidence (which can be faked), and self-esteem (which of course is your self worth)
- what are your passions
- do you work hard / strive for excellence / strive to achieve
And socially:
- do you influence people into doing things with you that you enjoy
- do you stand up for yourself with other men
- do you compete (respectfully) to attain the things you want
- do you ever say no to a woman
The reason I ask is that it seems to me that you do not yet know who you are (which is okay at a young age), and you seem to be seeking validation from women. Women will enhance your sense of self worth, but they can't give it to you - it's
self worth, not women given worth.
I hope it helps in some way.
Best wishes.