Oh crap Jared, say it aint so

Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 04:53 am
If discussing treatment it's important to call a spade a spade. Merely having illegal sex is not automatically abusive sex. Unless he actually held girls down and raped them (or someone forced them into it,) all he did was break an arbitrarily defined statutory law. Illegal, but not necessarily also then abuse. You can get married at 14 in many states. In which case simply signing a marriage contract makes the sex completely legal. Is it then 'abusive' solely by virtue of there being an age disparity?
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 05:01 am
izzythepush wrote:

hawkeye10 wrote:

Obviously I clam to have the more enlightened,
Glitter and her fellow sadists lose this one.

No, you are incredibly stupid, and that has been proved on countless occasions. You can't even spell claim.

Argument rejected

Yet another epic fail by A2K's resident fuckwit.

Learn up Cupcake: to reject an argument one must find fault with the argument, not the person giving voice to the argument. This really is not complicated, so why is this so hard for your to learn? Do you know your IQ number?
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 05:04 am
what about the kiddie porn? NAAAAH, your argument is quite weak.
Name a state where 14 year old marriages are recognized?? Id like to look at the circumstances and the history. There may be some idiot laws still hanging on but these should be removed from the books.

Weve taken more to PROTECTING CHILDREN rather than exploiting them since Victorian times
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 05:08 am
The only thing I found FOR THE USA, is in Arizona where a 16 year old may marry with court and parental consent (Reserved for comditions of pregnancy)

I think you may have overstated .
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 05:09 am
HesDeltanCaptain wrote:

If discussing treatment it's important to call a spade a spade. Merely having illegal sex is not automatically abusive sex. Unless he actually held girls down and raped them (or someone forced them into it,) all he did was break an arbitrarily defined statutory law. Illegal, but not necessarily also then abuse. You can get married at 14 in many states. In which case simply signing a marriage contract makes the sex completely legal. Is it then 'abusive' solely by virtue of there being an age disparity?

It is really hard to know what Jared did, what is being called Child porn and who did he have sex with. I note with interest the phrasing "images of children" in journalism accounts which suggests that the state is trying to bump up the numbers, that they are adding stuff in that they know is not child porn, and I note that so far I have only heard of him using underaged sex workers, which to a point I dont have a problem with. The state for instance leading with an allegation that he had sex with a 17 year old prostitute gets a "who cares" from me.

In any case he has agreed to 5-12, the wife is divorcing him, and what ever money he had is gone, so his life is pretty much over, You dont get a chance to come back from this.
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 05:16 am
I think not knowing the right initials speaks volumes about you as a person......and not necessarily negative.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 05:27 am
"Massachusetts The age of consent is sixteen. With parental consent and/or the consent of a judge, males can marry at fourteen years of age and females can marry at the age of twelve. On May 17, 2004, Massachusetts became the first state to recognize same-sex marriage. Common law marriage is not recognized."

"New Hampshire The age of consent is sixteen. With parental consent and the consent of the judge, males can marry at age fourteen and females can marry at age thirteen. Common law marriage is not recognized."

"Rhode Island The age of consent is sixteen. With parental consent males can marry under age sixteen, females at fourteen, and younger parties may receive a license under special circumstances. Common law marriage is recognized."

"Texas The age of consent is seventeen. With parental and judicial consent, parties can marry but not below the age of fourteen for males and thirteen for females. Common law marriage is recognized."

and more at,

More than a little hypocrisy then with our AoCs and marriage laws. Can get married at ages WAY below the AoC for non-marital sex, and then (typically) the AoC is retroactively nullified making the marital sex legal.

Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 07:42 am
When the person making the point is as monumentally dense as you there's nothing to argue against.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 08:01 am
I actually looked up the states and found that almost to a state, the AGE OF CONSENT is 18 (with exception of one or two who listed it as 17)
ALL OTHER CONDITIONS (and I was not able to duplicate your finding of 14 for girls in Md), IT WAS A MATTER OF PRENTAL ND COURT CONSENT> . I dont believe that a 38 year old guy would be grnted any such "consent" because child protection laws are there to protect against sexual predators on kids. You stated that this was a mere "statutory" requirement. Remember statutory is punishable and its often a series of laws that have been promulgated to correct a common law practice.

Jared plea bargained, he knows his skeevosity is punishable as a felony.
Reply Fri 21 Aug, 2015 11:34 pm
And Jared knows how he will be treated in prison. Unlike some apologists, like our resident perverts, convicts look at kiddy diddlers and rapists as the bottom rung of their cess pools. Every culture has a class system, Prison is no different.
NSFW (view)
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 12:10 am
Are you drunk or off your meds. I never use racial slurs and I think you are incredibly foolish to use them in a response to me. Racial injustice and child sexual abuse are two ugly stains on YOUR soul. So go pack sand you miserable deviant, you disgust everyone except that other loser nononono, haven't seen him for some time, I hope I don't see your twisted ignorant foggy brained bullcrap for a long time. Oh, and Skippy, keep telling yourself what a good person you are, You won't convince anyone but youself, but its good to have a glimmer of hope. Don't you think its a little grandiose to say you a better person than I am? Well goody for you, maybe Trump will choose you as his Vice President.

Seriously Hawk, I don't concern myself with your delusions, but Dude, you are sounding like a pissy pants, I'm a grown woman and I wouldn't want to be a pissy pants. But you claim to be male, you REALLY shouldn't exhibit any wussy or pissy pants tirades. You lose face, but no skin off my nose pissy pants, I'm just saying. If you use any more racial slurs I will report you. My family didn't use ugly words like you do.
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 12:18 am
Matter of fact, I agree with him on the prison system. We sentence some to some number of years - do we really need to depend on thugs in prison to help make the sentence meaningful?
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 07:27 am
Uh ya, as I quoted. By and large, because marriage (in the eyes of the law) is simply a legal contract, age to do it is 18 as with other contracts. Most states however allow younger if with parental and/or judicial consent.

Here in Missouri for example, the age for marriage with no one else's approval is 18. (Sexual AoC is 17) BUT, can get married at 15 with only your parents' consent. And there's provision for even younger if with judicial consent.

"Until December 31, 2016--Marriage to victim, at time of offense, affirmative defense, for certain crimes.

566.023. It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecutions pursuant to sections 566.032, 566.034, 566.062, 566.064, 566.068, and 566.090 [various statutory rape charges] that the defendant was married to the victim at the time of the offense.

451.090. 1. No recorder shall, in any event except as herein provided, issue a license authorizing the marriage of any person under fifteen years of age; provided, however, that such license may be issued on order of a circuit or associate circuit judge of the county in which the license is applied for, such license being issued only for good cause shown and by reason of such unusual conditions as to make such marriage advisable.

2. No recorder shall issue a license authorizing the marriage of any male under the age of eighteen years or of any female under the age of eighteen years, except with the consent of his or her custodial parent or guardian, which consent shall be given at the time, in writing, stating the residence of the person giving such consent, signed and sworn to before an officer authorized to administer oaths.

3. The recorder shall state in every license whether the parties applying for same, one or either or both of them, are of age, or whether the male is under the age of eighteen years or the female under the age of eighteen years, and if the male is under the age of eighteen years or the female is under the age of eighteen years, the name of the custodial parent or guardian consenting to such marriage."

Translation: The AoC for non-marital sex is 17. But if you get your parent's permisison, can get married at 15 and have sex legally. And younger still if a friendly judge says ok. Usually that's if the girl's pregnant and presumedly, the father not an adult who'd be under arrest for statutory charges anyway. Two hormonal kids who were left alone a bit too long. Smile

Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 07:42 am
roger wrote:

Matter of fact, I agree with him on the prison system. We sentence some to some number of years - do we really need to depend on thugs in prison to help make the sentence meaningful?

No, we shouldn't depend or even hope that people get brutalized in prison. Our prison system is broken, they are filled with brutes and the inmates practically run the asylum. But like any other culture, it has its pecking order.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 07:57 am
What we need is to quit criminalizing the very best thing people can do together as with sex. What'd Jared do? He had sex. Oh noes! Did he forcibly rape his partners? No. They were all consensual but because he paid, illegal, and in 1 or 2 cases statutorily illegal. And he looked at girls in candid settings (undressing and the like accoridng to what I've read, not engaging in sexual behaviours.)

There are truly abhorrent child sexual abusers out there, but so far, from what I've heard this wasn't one of them. This was just a slow news day and popular figure being crucified.
Banana Breath
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 10:16 am
What we need is to quit criminalizing the very best thing people can do together as with sex. What'd Jared do? He had sex. Oh noes! Did he forcibly rape his partners? No. They were all consensual but because he paid, illegal, and in 1 or 2 cases statutorily illegal. And he looked at girls in candid settings (undressing and the like accoridng to what I've read, not engaging in sexual behaviours.)

There are truly abhorrent child sexual abusers out there, but so far, from what I've heard this wasn't one of them. This was just a slow news day and popular figure being crucified.

Wrong, wrong and wrong. No, his sex with underage girls was NOT consensual, precisely because they were underage; the very definition of underage in this context means "below the age at which consent can be legally understood and given." If a perv pulls up to your yard and lures your 5 year old daughter by offering her candy, there is no legal defense to say "she consented by taking the candy." This is predatory luring, as Jared did with money. There should be no sympathy for this type of predator.
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 10:50 am
@Banana Breath,
This is predatory luring, as Jared did with money.

Going out and buying hookers is predatory? It is free enterprise in my books.

A 19-year-old man was charged Friday with more than 150 criminal counts for allegedly extorting young girls into sending him naked photos.

Cesar Mauricio Estrada-Davila, of Rosemead, was charged with 109 felony and 42 misdemeanor counts including extortion, possession and distribution of child pornography and lewd acts upon a child, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney's Office.

Prosecutors allege that between January and April, Estrada befriended young girls through social media, telling them he was a modeling agent. Estrada allegedly asked the girls to send him pictures in their underwear before threatening to release those photos if the alleged victims did not send him nude pictures.

Authorities launched an investigation that lasted several months after one alleged victim notified her parents, who contacted police.

According to prosecutors, Estrada-Davila victimized at least 21 girls between the ages of 12 and 17.

During his arraignment hearing, he entered a plea of not guilty and his bail was set at more than $3 million.

If convicted as charged, Estrada faces several life sentences in state prison.


Are you ******* kidding me? Ya, bad guy needs to be corrected, but a $3 million bail and looking at several life terms because a homely looking guy who probably cant get girls was trying to get them to send him nakid pics? That is nuts. Our whole approach to sexual transgression is nuts. And 150 charges, most of them felony, for transgressing on 21 people is abuse of the citizen at the hands of the state, something that we see way too much of. How we see this kind of abuse over and over again, and REALLY stupid abuse at that, and not conclude that it is time to take an ax to the government, cut it way back?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 11:06 am
all those marriageable age decisions and statutes are probably there for th case of pregnancy and , by some religious convictions, the woman doesnt want to abort.
So, are you saying that an illegal act" that caused a child to become pregnant by statutory rape should be givn a pass if the courts solemnize the marriage and if the guardian oks it?
lemme say--FAT CHANCE (unless youre an 1860's Mormon or Dukhabor)

I think youve got your mind in two time periods.
Like I said, statutory rape is a felony.

Reply Sat 22 Aug, 2015 11:12 am
HesDeltanCaptain wrote:

What we need is to quit criminalizing the very best thing people can do together as with sex. What'd Jared do? He had sex. Oh noes! Did he forcibly rape his partners? No. They were all consensual but because he paid, illegal, and in 1 or 2 cases statutorily illegal. And he looked at girls in candid settings (undressing and the like accoridng to what I've read, not engaging in sexual behaviours.)

There are truly abhorrent child sexual abusers out there, but so far, from what I've heard this wasn't one of them. This was just a slow news day and popular figure being crucified.

You are seriously disturbed, and sound like a predator.

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