hawkeye10 wrote:
Obviously I clam to have the more enlightened, more moral, more reality based, more scientific, more practical, better person and better brained approach.
Glitter and her fellow sadists lose this one.
Lose? Lose what? I'm not facing jail time because I got my rocks off by abusing underage children. I said I was disappointed and disgusted by Jared's confession, pal. In your enlightened moral, realistic, 'scientific?', more practical, better person and better brained approach, do you think we should send kiddy diddlers to Disney Land? You've already shared way too much on the intimate details of your supposed SMBD life style, the dignity ship sailed a long time ago for you. Your entertaining, up to a point. You peddle your swinger persona then get all tight assed that someone dares to say sexual exploitation of children is wrong, is somehow sadistic. I'll send you a dictionary, ask your wife to look up the definition, and then read it yourself. And by the way, I don't give a good god damn what you think of me, it couldn't possibly top what I think of you. Since you claim to be such a bright and practical chap, you must realize that neither you or I can really upset the rhythm of the others life. You can't possibly think that.