@Finn dAbuzz,
Racism is not inherent, in my opinion, but tribalism is. This is offered only as opinion, and i don't think history supplies the answers to such questions--just data which one may employ in formulating or articulating an opinion. In Mexico, it was even more dramatic. As Cortes marched over the mountains from the coast, he was attacked by the Tlascalans. It later turned out that they had considered him an ally of the Aztecs, called Mexicans by the other tribes. When Cortes had come to an agreement with the Tlascalans, they provided about 5000 troops of high quality, and 2000 porters. These along with the Spaniards, crossed the rest of the mountain range into the central plateau of Mexico. Leaving aside a lot detail and rise and fall of Spanish fortunes, Cortes was eventually joined by the forces of the other major cities around Tenoctitlan (what we would call Mexico City), and after a brutal 22 months campaign, conquered the city, slaughtering most of the inhabitants.
Cortes never commanded even as many as 1500 Spaniards--the conquest could not have been carried out without his aboriginal allies. The advantages of European technology didn't count for much, especially when cities in Mexico could muster armies in the tens of thousands. The Aztecs had conquered their neighbors, and imposed tribute on them. The Spaniards represented a unifying locus to which the other tribes could adhere, laying aside their mutual mistrust. To them, i am certain, the Spaniards were just another tribe, from further away. I see that as describing how many aboriginal tribes saw the Europeans elsewhere in North America. It's not "race" (the concept didn't then exist), it's tribalism.
The Conquest of New Spain (
Historia verdadera de la conquista de la Nueva España), 1568, Bernal Diaz (a participant in the campaign), always available in English, and, i believe, never out of print;
History of the Conquest of Mexico, William Prescott, Boston, 1843, in three volumes. Prescott remains the English language source for the Spanish monarchy from that ditzy blonde Isabella to her great grandson Philip II, and the conquests in the New World.)