Sat 13 Jun, 2015 02:30 am
The title kind of explains ist : For a few weeks now, I sleep with a women, that happens to be married.
I will explain now how I got in this situation and my exact question :
A few weeks ago, I had a harmless discussion with the women, I am now sleeping with. In this talk, I confirmed to her that I find her very attractive. When she heard that, she suddenly started to make pretty clear advantages to me and then even offered me to have sex with her. I was completely confused and found this situation weird. I knew she was married so of course, I said "No" and left.
But the next weeks was gruesome and brutal : She drove me sexually nuts. I could not stop thinking of her. I imagined having sex with her and how great it will be. Yet, I always told myself that it is morally wrong ant totally not Okay.
Then, her husband had to leave the country for a few days. I drove to her, to finally clear this situation. I told her that i am not going to have sex wit her, yet I definitely want it. And then something strange happened : She started crying. She told me, her husband cheated on her years ago and she feels lonely and unloved. I tried to make her feel better. I told her that everything will be ok. After she got control of herself, I went to the bathroom. When I returned, I found her in the bedroom. She was completely naked and lied on the best, butt-side-up, smiling at me.
I already wrote that even the thought of her aroused me. And now she was lying there for real. I could not control myself any more. I jumped to her, looked her in the eyes, she smiled back at me with a view that said "Come on. Just do it !". I kissed her, put my clothes off and we had sex.
After the sex was done, the first thing that I though was deep regret. Suddenly she started crying again and thanked me for sleeping with her. I did not expect something like this from me. Later that evening, after we both took a nap, we had sex again. It should be said : the sex was great and I finally felt free I did it. It was everything I wanted in this moment.
The next day, I got under the shower while she was in it and we had sex again. We kissed goodbye and she told me that she wants to do it again. First I rejected, just wanting it to be a One-Night-Stand but I again could not resist her. A few days later, we met again and sept with each other.
Then, her husband returned and things got complicated. We then mostly met in hotel rooms for sex. Once, we even had sex in my car.
Since her husband is back I started having doubts. I know I help her cheating on him and I suddenly felt regrets.
Now I have am problem : should I end it or continue it ?
On one hand, I want to look at myself in the mirror again without the knowledge I am banging the wife of somebody else.
On the other hand, the sex is so enjoyable, I do not want to stop it.
Also, I don't know how she will react. She will start crying again, I already know it.
Can you help me with my decision ?
I'm not interested in crowdsourcing your moral decision-making, but maybe her husband would be up for answering your question.
Well its pretty obvious that he should Never find it out
You know this is wrong and goes against your own morals. Yet, you keep doing it.
Why doesn't this woman leave her husband? Instead she uses you to fill in for what they should have.
This will not have a good ending. Prepare yourself.
She does not Want to Leave him.
She just Wants to have a bit of Fun.
Well then, as Jespah said, talk to her husband about it. If he is fine with her having a bit of fun with you, then go for it. Otherwise, leave her alone. She is married.
You must be crazy. I can't go to her husband and say "Dude, I am banging your wife". He is going to kill me.
You're already getting bored? The thrill of the excitement has now passed.
That and you don't really know whether she's having sex with him, you have no emotions towards her whatsoever, it was purely sex, jumped in for a free ride.
Do the woman a favour. Let her work her marriage out. Let her leave him and find someone that she can have an emotional attachment with she needed a friend but you pushed the right buttons to get her to sleep with you.
Now you regret it honestly because, you have to go to a Hotel and that would be at your cost or if you are a...

at least half your cost.
But, it's free sex, no love and well, what is a man meant to do?
Find himself a woman to call his own and be gentle very gentle your morals, guilt the fact she's married, she deserves better ,walk away, stay away or trust me in any event, the husband WILL find out eventually.
I totally see your point.
But its the other way : She seduced me ! Of course I slept with her because I wanted it, but she brought me in this situation where I could not control myself.
By the way : Once I told her that it would be better if we would end our affair but she freaked out and started crying again. She is the one that started all this.
I guess I am not a man, so what would I know about just how well you can control your urges. Ice water?
But, don't put the blame on her for seducing you. "You wanted it" regardless of whether or not she was married. It's not like you were "there" in the moment and couldn't control yourself, this was the following week after you walked away, so you could have controlled yourself by disconnection, personal affection, cold shower, another woman, list goes on.
BTW. Stop communicating with her then you won't hear her crying. If you feel that she seduced you what is this " better if?" ... Like Nike said "just do it".
So it was ok to sleep with her once ?
I did not Want to hurt her by not continuing the affair
No off course not why are you asking? You took. She provided.
You will not hurt her she is already hurt she wasn't looking for love rather just to feel something anything.
She will get over it.
If she believed you wanted her for her, wanted to take her away from all of this and you used her, then you would be hurting her.
This is not the case. Stop communicating. Unfortunately she will do this again until she realises her self worth.
As for you.............................................stop it.
But doesn't sleeping with her help her solve her self-worth ?
At least she feels loved and desired when I bang her.
All your answers to me are "BUT?"
And in addition you now sound like you are trolling.
Quote:We then mostly met in hotel rooms for sex. Once, we even had sex in my car.
How the heck (lols) does any woman feel desired and loved when they are just being used for sex?
Actually I don't know. I can't look inside her head.
I recently had sex with her yesterday and she told me she is deeply thankful for me doing her, because she can use it as an escape from her marriage and that she does not have the courage to leave her husband.
I told her that I only went in for sex and she responded that its the same with her : In her unhappy life she wanted a bit of fun.
She than started crying again. I told her everything is going to be alright and we had sex again.
I also am deeply afraid that her husband could find out. It would be embarrassing to talk to a man, to which wife I did many things.
Quote: I can't go to her husband and say "Dude, I am banging your wife". He is going to kill me.
Well, then quit banging his wife.
Thats quite difficult. I am enjoining the sex very much and I help her by sleeping with her.
We both have to hide our affair.
I get that you enjoy the sex with her, but she isn't doing herself or you any favors by choosing to sleep with you while she is still married an not intending on leaving her husband. If she is really that unhappy she should leave.
It sounds like she is just interesting in having a little fun and not starting anything serious. Do you know if she is sleeping with anyone else besides her husband? long as you're ok with being her boy toy
I have no problem with that.
I do not love her. I just want to have fun like she does.
Also, it is good she is discretful- I mean : I had her breasts and her buttocks in my face. Our sex positions are a bit unpopular....
Quote:I had her breasts and her buttocks in my face.
At the same time? What a fantasy