This thread is like an applied Meyers Briggs test looking for a CEO or a general . So far weve got Georgeob, who actually made a decision . Everyone else is kind a lost in wanting more and more external input before making a decision. Fascinating.
I used to use MB dynamics to assess technical teams and see whether they could eventually get anywhere or would they become a committee good for assessing options without ever getting anywhere.
I used to kid these groups that, "decision making is a very particular skill> Its not the result of being the best and brightest necessarily . It is the tool of the risk taker and leader who is accountable.
Many groupd gropes like this thread are like a burning building where someone has to lead the others out.
Sorry, but I find these group dynamics very telling and entertaining.
BTW, Im right there with you, I picked two "MOST " memorable characters. Remember, in MB dynamics, there "is no right answer" its all just a tool that enables us to evaluate how the group works and how individuals operate within the group.
Course, MB could be all wet too. Hows that for my inability to decide?