huh! learn something new every day. If I remember that one, it was unwieldy, could be wrong. I'm remembering something else I think. Did Abuzz have one?
I don't recall Abuzz having a chat. We used the RR chat during Abuzz days.
Come try the chat for a couple of minutes - we'll see if it works
hehehe I'm doing a fine job of speaking to myself
Not tonight. It's hot in this house and I'm crabby. But since it works, princess will consider it another day.
Yep, you can find the link to it on the bottom of any page.
I don't remember the Abuzz chat either. At the time I would not have used it anyway.
My evening too. And yes to
Bethie too.
Well, I just saw the chat room, but couldn't see my posts. Oh, Well. . . .
I could see them.. Again and again. Did you press enter?
it depends on the browser.
chrome works better than ie...
I've used the present a2k chat room, though not lately, and remember it as wonky in some way, some of the time, thus not using it again.
I remember another chat room with what might have been a2k people much earlier in the oughts, maybe 2003 or 2004, that timing just a guess. Maybe, though, I was on the RR chat room and just don't remember that was it since I hardly was at RR at all, I think just signing in. Ahhh, it's coming back, the light dawning - it was called the art chat room at the time and it was mostly the a2k art thread people on it. We would set times for the chats. I remember hanging around waiting for people to show up, and they usually did at some point over an hour's period. That chat room was easy enough and always worked, but it was stopped at some point, I forget why.
I use ie8. I've got some other browser set up. Maybe I'll use it instead someday.
No news from me. Andy and I only had two brief flurries of emails, and the most recent was years ago.
ossobuco wrote:
I remember another chat room
Ohh... I have not thought about that in a long time.
i remember a chat room too. I want to say there was a version on yuku I think.. but I dont remember the address anymore
@Region Philbis,
Meebo didn't work for me at all. Seemed to be a magnet for every troll with time on its hands, and they had nothing to do with a2k.
Aha - here's a thread announcing an art chat subject, and it was around 2003, on a2k...
Just saw how nice and settled and happy with your situation that you are, Wolfie. Great to read that.