Fri 2 May, 2003 10:11 pm
We have mentioned Goya in passing in a few discussions recently. I have always appreciated his painting and engravings, but - not being an art historian - haven't had any kind of sense of his life as a whole, how he got started, and changed over time - or who might have affected his painting or who he might have influenced. A recent opportunity to see some Goyas first hand has made me think of this as a subject for this month's chat times, and I have scrounged some links.
These links are only a start from a few minutes of looking. Please add your own. I hope eventually to quote some copy from the book that accompanies the recent NY Metropolitan Museum exhibit that covers a couple of centuries (plus) of Spanish and French painting with emphasis on the impact of the Spanish painters who were first in time - including Goya.
The Art chats will veer from the subject, but over a month's time we do sometimes engage in constructive chat about whatever the official chat subject is. Interesting comments typed into chat are ephemeral, so we should all feel free to add comments as well as links on this topic thread too.
Some links -
Goya bio Victor Guye Getty on Goya Majas on a Balcony Portrait, Don Manuel Osorio essay on execution engraving by Goya. Were the black paintings by Goya or not?
Hey I really miss you guys but alas cannot enter into chat room with AOL browser and that is all I have available to use.
This is terrible, we must find some remedy...
Just open IE while connected through AOL and you should be able to get in.
Ill be changing the chatroom code soon (in the next few weeks if I have time).