Quote:I gather his reaction is not uncommon?
I'm a member of the Labour party. I joined because of Antony Lynton Charles Blair. And I still think he is a superb politician, a great actor has great charisma and an ability to get a way with murder.
He took a gamble on Bush over Iraq, and lost....but has got away with it. Anyone who has paid attention and followed the debate realises that Blair knew exactly what he was doing and is incredulous that he could have sold a war to his own people and his own party on a false prospectus and got clean away.
But most people dont follow the debate in detail, thats the problem.
Blair's other great asset is the weakness of the opposition conservative party. Under leader iain Duncan Smith, they were more pro war than Labour, and criticised Blair for not committing troops earlier. Now under leader Howard (IDS being a complete fool) they say they would not have voted for the war had they known what they know now. (But blair pointed out recently that Howards said to an American audience only in May that the war was "necessary justified and in some respects over due")
The only opposition to Tony Blair with any integrity comes from the Liberal Democrats, but even they are a bit wobbly...being opposed to the war, until it started, then being for it for reasons of supporting our troops.
Blair wiped the floor with Michael Howard recently in the House of Commons. Just when every one was predicting his downfall, he lets rip witha broadside and goes off on his hols grinning broader than ever.
People are sick of the war. They want Iraq to go away. So does Mr Blair. And when you look elsewhere in this country, things are not going too badly. Public services are improving. The economy is bouyant. Unemployment is none existant. Inflation is none existant. Child povety is well on the way to being eliminated...take Iraq out of the picture and really the govt is home and dry for thenext election.
Finally the Labour Party itself has transformed itself from the days when it appeared to prefer internal dissent and fratricide to government, in some ways gone too far the other way, and rallies round the Furher whatever.
So what was the question? Was Blair right? Morally...dunno leave that to the churches (all say no)
politically As explained above he's got away with it
Legally. His mate the Attorney General says it was legal so legal it was.
In summary there are an awful lot of Labour mps and party members who will never for give Blair for lying to them over the necessity for war. But will they let their fury boil over into bringing down Blair and the Govt? No.