John Stewart: "Shouldn't at least ONE person have been fired for this??"
Bush is as big a liar as Blair! And not so pretty.
Read all about it here:
Steve (as 41oo) wrote:Quote:No leader should concern himself, aloud, with "his place in history". that is for others.
I didnt know he said this. Don't dispute what you say but do you know where and when?
Agree it sounds really bad, if not positively deranged.
Steve, this was as close as I could get. The article is archived now, so not all of it is available free. It was in Clare Short's resignation speech.
cicerone imposter wrote: When this country sends our military into harms way, we must be 100 percent certain about the information used to justify war.
I don't know why you keep saying this when it is so obviously untrue.
Why isn't it true, Bill?
"To see all this in proper perspective, consider the reaction ifHow in hell is THAT the proper perspective? It's a whole different scenario! As a reminder, Iraq didn't attack us, and binLaden did, and we went after BinLaden, rightly so.
I believe that Koch was using a "what if..." situation to demonstrate what may have happened if Saddam was left in power and terrorists used a WMD they received from Him or his government. Imagine the outrage? All the evidence was there demonstrating the danger that Saddam posed! Why wasn't he eliminated before such a tragedy could strike?!
We don't need to apply the "what if" scenario with many tyrants in this world today. Unfortunately, Saddam was not included in that group, because he didn't have WMDs. bin Laden was responsible for 9-11; and he's still in "power" reeking havoc around the world - now including Iraq. How has Bush made us any safer? How many terrorist alerts have we had? Lost count? Me too! Nothing like feeling safer at home.
Sure'n I gotta admit, guys who work for the Dept of Homeland "security" and a Lawyer's and Lobbyist group must be right on the money and completely unbiased! I wonder if Bryan Cave LLP has gotten thier investment back yet?
Just kidding... of course they have! Bush takes good care of his friends and donors.
Bill, I keep saying the same thing over and over because people like you don't seem to "get it."
McTag wrote: America's standing is now at its lowest, worldwide.
Standing? Among whom? According to what criteria?
Take a look at this report from the Pew research centre.
A Year After Iraq War. Mistrust of America in Europe Ever Higher, Muslim Anger Persists.
There are a great many people in the world who used to like you guys that, now, well they just don't anymore.
cicerone imposter wrote:Bill, I keep saying the same thing over and over because people like you don't seem to "get it."
People like Bill and I don't get it because it is obviously untrue. Your repetition of a ridiculous idea will not make that idea less ridiculous. But it does make you appear more ridiculous with each such repetition.
Adrian wrote:ican711nm, There are a great many people in the world who used to like you guys that, now, well they just don't anymore.
Wow! How dreadful!
Arafat and crowd are more liked. Osama and crowd are more liked. Kofi Annan is more liked. The French, Germans and Russians are more liked. Middle easterners are more liked. Hmmmmm!
Why are so many people risking their lives in desperate efforts to immigrate into the US when others living elsewhere are more liked?
Doing the right thing rarely gets one more liked at the time one does the right thing. It usually gets one less liked. Even long afterward, the most one usually gets is more respect not more liked.
I wonder if being more liked matters!
In the long run, of course it will. Except perhaps in the eyes of people like yourself, Ican, who think people hate us simply because of our "freedoms".
Why do immigrants come to America? That's an easy one. Choose a side: The bully who always wins, or the skinny kids who keep getting knocked down by him.
Thank you for posting something that you believe in.
Now, my only question is why?
The piece you claim makes Bush a liar says:
Quote:I don't think the president would have said that....
The latest sally is an attempt to excuse...
But the implication...
There are those who would...
But even giving President Bush the benefit of the doubt....
In other words, it is an opinion piece by someone who has already made his mind up that Bush is a Liar.
I would think that the Bi-partisan Senate Intelligence Committee Report would be a more accurate yardstick
But, perhaps you believe that they are lying too?
Well if they're right, then they should be the ones handling intelligence for the US from now on, 'cause nobody else got it right! How 'bout they investigate BEFORE things have gotten out of control?

That might be a nice change.
suzy, Sounds sensible to me!
Bush: U.S. Looking Into Whether Iran Involved in 9/11
1 hour, 48 minutes ago
By Adam Entous
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush (news - web sites) said on Monday the United States was trying to determine whether Iran was involved in the Sept. 11 plot and accused the government of harboring al Qaeda leaders.
"We want to know all of the facts," Bush said when asked about reports that at least eight of the 19 hijackers passed through Iran before attacking the United States.
The commission investigating the attacks will detail these and other al Qaeda links to Iran in its final report this week, raising new questions about why Bush turned his focus to Iraq (news - web sites) soon after Sept. 11, 2001. The commission has found more al Qaeda contacts with Iran than with Iraq, officials said.
White House spokesman Scott McClellan said there was "no evidence that there was any official involvement between Iran and the Sept. 11 attacks."
The U.S. intelligence community has been harshly criticized for overstating the Iraqi threat before the war, leading to calls for its overhaul and for the creation of a Cabinet-level intelligence czar. McClellan said Bush was willing to consider this step, although acting CIA (news - web sites) director John McLaughlin on Sunday questioned whether it was necessary.
Bush noted McLaughlin had said "there was no direct connection between Iran and the attacks of Sept. 11."
But Bush said the case was not closed. "We will continue to look and see if the Iranians were involved... As to direct connections with Sept. 11, we're digging into the facts to determine if there was one," he said.
Bush said Iran, which he branded part of an "axis of evil" along with Iraq and North Korea (news - web sites), was "harboring al Qaeda leadership." He urged Tehran to have them "turned over to their respective countries" of origin.
"If the Iranians would like to have better relations with the United States there are some things they must do," including halting the country's alleged nuclear weapons program and support for terrorism, Bush said.
Former CIA director Robert Gates, who co-authored a Council on Foreign Relations report on Iran, said al Qaeda "probably has either, if not used Iran as base, then used it for safe passage and various other things."
Former national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, who worked with Gates, said reports of the passage through Iran of al Qaeda operatives prior to Sept. 11, 2001 is "not direct evidence that they are complicit in 9/11."
The New York Times reported on Sunday that the Iranian government had ordered its border guards not to stamp the passports of Saudi al Qaeda members moving through Iran after training in Afghanistan (news - web sites).
An Iranian stamp could have made the al Qaeda members subject to additional scrutiny upon entering the United States, U.S. officials said.
Iran acknowledged some of the Sept. 11 attackers may have passed through illegally, but said it had since tightened border controls. It said any attempts to tie the country to al Qaeda, the militant network which carried out the attacks, were part of U.S. election-year "news propaganda." (Additional reporting by Carol Giacomo)
I wonder if the Iranians are getting a little worried just about now?
Actually, I wonder if the world is getting a little worried right now?
Just popped up.
Assailants kill Basra governor
July 20, 2004 - 3:44PM
The interim governor of the Iraqi southern city of Basra, Hazem al-Ainachi, was shot dead by unknown assailants as he was heading to work, said his son.
"My father was killed as he was leaving home at about 8:00am (1400 AEST) when unknown gunmen fired at him from near a checkpoint that is 100 metres from our place," said Issam al-Ainachi.
"One of the guards was injured and the assailants fled."
© 2004 AFP