The claim based on Bible chronologies would be that the universe was something like 6000 - 7000 years old.
How old is the Earth, you ask??
We actually DO have one planet (Venus) in our system which is ballpark for some sort of a 5K - 10K year age estimate, but Venus LOOKS like that (900F surface temp, 90-bar CO2 atmosphere, massive thermal imbalance, massive upwards ir flux, total lack of regolith etc. etc.) Mars and Earth do not look like that at all and have to be much older, albeit not billions of years old. Bob Bass once redid Lord Kelvin's heat equations for the Earth WITH a maximal figure for radioactive elements factored in and came up with an upper bound of around 200M years. Here's what that means. Lord Kelvin was one of the very best mathematicians of the 1800s and computed an upper bound for age for our planet (around 100M years, far too short for evolutionites) using the sort of trig function series solution which Joseph Fourier had devised. Standard write-ups of this one note that Kelvin had not taken radioactivity into account (e.g.
http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi144.htm) but, lazy bastards that they were, evolosers and others merely ASSUMED that radioactivity would fix the problem and wrote it off as resolved. Bob Bass, on the other hand, actually redid the math WITH a maximal possible figure for radioactivite elements factored in and came up with an upper bound of around 200M years which is still far short of what evolutionites need.
There is a further consideration in that the people telling us the Earth is 4B years old are the same clowns and academic dead wood telling us that dinosaurs died out 65M years ago, which we now KNOW is BS.
There are four categories of evidence which form a big-picture of the reality involving dinosaurs:
1. Soft tissue increasingly being found in dinosaur remains.
2. Radiocarbon dates of 20,000 - approx. 40,000 years being obtained for dinosaur remains.
3. Easily recognizable images of known dinosaur types turning up in American Indian petroglyphs.
4. American Indian oral traditions which speak of Indian ancestors dealing with dinosaurs.
Obviously cutting the main age of dinosaurs down to some 20,000 - 50,000 years ago does not leave time for much in the way of evolutionary schemes.
Soft tissue in dinosaur remains began turning up around 2006 and has kept on turning up, This stuff includes proteins, collagen, blood vessels, hemoglobin, skin cells and various things, none of which could plausibly last as long as 100,000 years. Any sort of a Google search on "dinosaur sorft tissue" will turn up as much of this stuff as you want, including claims by evolutionists that the stuff has somehow or other actually survived for 65,000,000 years, but that's basically grasping at straws. One particularly good site for soft tissue discussions is this:
Dinosaur Soft Tissue is Original Biological Material | Bob Enyart Live:
Blind radiocarbon tests involving the dating center at the University of Georgia:
The links on that one are all good, particularly the little video:
Nothing any older than about 60,000 yeas will radiocarbon date at all. The half-life of Carbon 14 is around 5700 years and past 60,000 years, there simply shouldn't be any which is detectable.
A friend of mine who died several years ago, Vine Deloria, used to teach at the University of Colorado and was the best known of all American Indian authors and, in fact, several of his books are standard university texts on Indian affairs, particularly his "Custer Died for your Sins":
His "Red Earth, White Lies" is mainly an attempt to debunk the standard theories about Indian ancestors being responsible for the North American megafauna dieouts which occurred some 12,000 years ago, but one chapter speaks of the descriptions of dinosaurs in Indian oral traditions, particularly the stegosaur, which Indians called "Mishipishu", or 'water panther'. Indians describe the 'water panther' as having had a saw-blade back, red fur, a cat-like face and a "great spiked tail" which he used as a weapon, i.e. a stegosaur. Stegosaur glyphs were common in North America two or three centuries ago and Lewis and Clark described their Indian guides as being in terror of such glyphs around the Mississippi since the original meaning of them was "Caution, one of these things LIVES here". A few such petroglyphs remain and most are stick figures but the one at Agawa Rock, Massinaw Lake Superior is representational:
Indians have always touched those things up every few years and the horns were added at a much later date by some artist who simply figured a creature that size needed them.
There are other examples of dinosaurs turning up in Amerind petroglyphs and a Google search on "dinosaur petroglyph" will turn up many hits. Second most interesting after the stegosaur glyph at Agawa Rock is probably the sauropod glyph at the Kachina bridge, Natural Bridges Utah. There is a controversy regarding that one but the controversy appears to be trending against the evolutionists:
The sauropod glyph at Hava Supai was first reported by the Doheney expedition around 1920:
Again, all of that amounts to a big picture view which indicates that the space of time which evolutionists have to work with is substantially shorter than what is commonly thought and vastly too short for any sort of a theory of evolution.