No problem . Australia probably has a town named
I definitely know that there's a Tittybong out there.
I would guess this is supposed to be a "Setanta" humor thread; however, it might just be archaic, in that once upon a time admitting that one was an atheist was supposed to elicit camaraderie with other self-professed atheists. Sort of like early Communism was supposed to elicit camaraderie amongst all "comrades." Didn't happpen.
And, with atheists, they will still bring their babies to Baptisms. Still exchange Christmas gifts. Still support the Church in this or that.
Being an atheist today is more like being an "out" gay that still lives in a gay enclave (or gay friendly enclave), in my opinion. Admitting one is an atheist today may just be a way of pretending, in many instances, that one does not subscribe to hypocrisy in one's life, yet in the way one truly acts, one could be dripping with hypocrisy.
Now back to Setanta's probable humor thread.
and, I suppose , having all the answers lets the religious gther in communal brotherhood eh?
(Better read the papers Foofster) The religiou are more buy beating each other up nd killing each other.
Please change back to Miller again, foof.
He's almost as miserable, but just about bearable.
I'm currently living in Yorkey's Knob. (and I don't think he's noticed!)
Thomas wrote:
In Bavaria, of course, we are more restrained, just as the Pennsylvanians are.

And just as
all should be. Not far from me, the goodly folk in southern Ohia have heard a grand exhortation, and do all they can to never bear false witness
ILL SEE YR PEE PEE and raise you one
Lordyaswas wrote:
I definitely know that there's a Tittybong out there.
You just gave me a favorite new word...
And I'll bet shekels to manna that somebody makes em
In one post you got this thread assigned as
Hey you're the one that raised–oh never mind. Olive loaf anyone?
Lordyaswas wrote:
My Dad was an atheist and my Mum was a Jehovahs Witness.
Wally's mom was a JW too. That meant that some years they had a Christmas tree, and other years they didn't.
We were talking about our families and religion once (None of his siblings are religious.), and I asked him since his mom was a JW, did his dad belong to a religion too.
Totally serious he said "Oh sure. He went to the Lodge."
In the hard to believe category . . .