Sun 17 May, 2015 02:32 pm
There is this girl I wanted to date. Well at one point I agreed to back off. Well ever since I did she still messages me and calls me all the time. She said she doesnt want a relationship. Whats the deal?
Ask her out. Point blank. "Want to go on a date for dinner on Saturday night?"
Be unambiguous. And see what she says. Maybe she wants FWB. Maybe she's a tease. Maybe she's hoping you'll take the lead. Maybe she's weird. No way to know this without you asking her and being as crystal clear as possible.
I have asked her out she turned me down. She said she doesnt want a relationship right now
This is one of those girls who says no and means yes, or says yes and means no. It's all meant to tease you and put her in control, i.e. in power.
Tell her not to contact you again unless she wants to go out on a date.
It's not fair of her to tease, then push you away.