Does she make those disgusting snorting noises too?
It's hamburgers for dinner tonight.
You sure know how to live high on the hog!
I had a hot dog for dinner.
Does your husband know you call it that? Or was it not your husband, again?
Need another cofee.
Time for another "coffee purchasing" trip to Columbia, eh?
Some idiot sent me 42 blank text messages on my phone today.
Because your number is scrawled on the walls of restrooms all over the state.
I have a new mobile phone.
Unless you buy a service contract you might as well use it for a doorstop.
I'm running late today.
Good thing you're running, then.
Aquaerobics again this afternoon.
You really should get past that enema fetish.
I drank too much bubbly last night.
In short, last night was no different than any other night.
I just ate cheez-its for breakfast.
In short, this morning was no different than any other morning.
Soon the trees will be bare.
You like bare thing's don't you? Leave the poor tree's alone.
I watched the eclipse last night.
I'm sorry, did you say you caused the eclipse last night?
I'm on hold.
Please hold the line, the next available probation officer will take your call in the order it was received.
My desk is a mess.
Cjhasa states, "My (insert noun here) is a mess." My suggestions? Hair, relationship, life.
Back to the salt mines.
So, they fired you from the pepper berry plantation?
It's a chilly morning here.
Your wife heard the "my relationship is a mess" line, did she?
Yippee! Lunchtime.
Thank god for restaurants with double doors eh?
The lunar eclipse was cool.
tripping again, are we?
Most young Europeans do not stink anymore.
So you're saying you're the exception to the rule?
I need a haircut.
In haircut are you refering to the one hair you have left?
Today I increased my assests and decreased my liabilities