Accoding to my snake-handling worship group, sunburns are a gift from the Gods, and all I need do is sleep with an asp to be cured. So maybe later.
Slack off? Hmmpphh! I went to the beach in order to prepare for a work-related trip to the beach tomorrow! figured I'd get a taste of the sun so I wouldn't get burned at "work" Tuesday. Sigh... kind of backfired. Now I'm office-bound on Tuesday instead.

(Well, that is, if I have any sense! We'll see what Tuesday brings!) Nice cool shower wasn't half-bad, but the having to put on clothes afterward,
yowch! So dumb of me. I wanted a little sun, and waited an hour to put on the sunscreen. It used to work, but I guess the sun is onto my tricks!
All Canadians are yahoos, I hear. I heard it on Fox News, so I know it's true. Media is God. We don't need no stinkin' international news media to skew all the stories in favor of the commie viewpoint!