What are you speaking, Borg?
My groceries are tax-deductible, so there is indeed accounting for taste.
Who did you steel the food stamps off of?
It's sunny out.
Another clear night that you can spend in a drunken stupor without having to abide by the rules of the local flop-house.
Off to assimilate.. er "steel"... some food stamps.
Oh sure, so you can reinforce them, making them rather sharp, i.e. proper weapons, to facilitate your own 7-11 holdups.
It was 'sunni' out, but the cops arrested him for suspiscion of being a terrorist.
There's nothing like a good pun. (And that was nothing like a good pun.)
I'm craving Oreos (tm).
Instead of eating them, why not just stick them to your thighs?
I like Kimlan soy sauce.
Cause with enough soy sauce even the stuff you cook up might be edible.
I was just juggling rings.
Stick with 'em. The plastic surgeon is enjoying the pool you bought him when you tried torches.
I'm actually a good cook.
It's the food that is bad, right?
I could careless if I ever cooked again.
I don't blame you for not wanting to cook again, seeing as you are careless. I'll tell you for the last time, stop frying bacon in the nude.
I'm cooking veal tonight.
PETA membership be damned, eh Cav?
I like veal.
Perhaps you didn't recognize the organization I belong to: People for the EDIBLE Treatment of Animals. Good god...
I like veal too.
So I see. Other people like to eat it.
Going to watch the Bosox tonight!
In George's case, this is Bo Derek, wearing socks, and not much else. Dude - she's like 50+ now...
Go Red Sox!
Ah. More botox guys for the Bosox. Great.
Excuse me while I leave you alone for a second.
Thank goodness habibi left! That BO is really something eh?
I work out almost every day.
As someone else said recently - this explains all of the broken elliptical trainers.
I forgot to hit 'refresh.'
It would be refreshing if someone hit you!
I'm getting takeout.
Another culinary challenged poster.
They say yoghurt is healthy.
Ya if you have a YEAST infection!
Tonight, I think I will watch Johnny Damon hurl a long one.