In your case that means "My Nose Flows in High Drainage."
What a great mood I'm in!
Aren't drugs great! Stonedman, Ma.
I think Johnny Damon is HOT.
In the same way female chimpanzees get the hots for silverback gorillas.
I had pork for lunch.
That's nice, what did you eat.
I just polished off a rib eye steak.
Digging in the Sizzler's trash again?
It is way too late, here.
Just tell all of your crack addicted friends that they have to leave so you can get some sleep.
I can't wait for it to snow.
That's when they'll let you back inside again?
I don't particularly care for word games.
Yes, the illiterate often make that complaint.
The new phone book's here! The new phone book's here!
Yes - repeating phrases is a good way to memorize new words.
There's a beautiful sky right now.
that's your screensaver you're staring at.
i hardly know anyone in the town anymore.
Cops made you move again, eh? Well, there's always your parole officer.
The "pants" game is silly.
Why did you even post that comment, I mean seriously, where did the creativity go, your creativity rated between 1-10 would have to be a -20
Today I have to go work out.....
Don't forget to ask if they want fries with that.
I eat a McDonalds myself.
How did the actual golden arches go down? Eat a McDonalds? What are you, one of those scary monster robots?
"Supersize Me" was a great movie.
It appears it was quite inspirational for you.
I just replaced a power supply.
Zapped that marital aid pretty quickly, didn't you?
Uh oh, the pointy-haired-boss is headed this way....
his hair stands on end at the sight of you?
got to go sub a class
We really don't need the details of your dominant/submissive relationship. Really.
Redundancy is the art of stating something multiple times, or more than once.
Sheesh, redundancy is the art of stating something multiple times, or more than once.
I prefer brown eggs over white.
There's no accounting for taste.
Still trying to figure out why this L2TP/IPSec VPN will not work....