Yes, it must look that way from the window of your locked psychiatric unit. And it probably reminds you of all that white powder you've snorted. But, just keep taking your meds, and maybe you will stop hearing the voices telling you that your doctor is a Martian.
I just had an upsetting phone conversation.
Obviously another bill collector.
I watched Kansas beat Iowa State earlier today.
I'm glad you at least have that much activity. If it wasn't for the occasional grunt you make during a game, they'd throw a sheet over you and call the morgue.
I like to watch the bobsledders in the Olympics. I love to see them whoosh down the track!
God help you.
I just ate a pecan cookie
That's the most exciting thing you've done all week! Next week maybe move on to chocolate chip!
Going out to dinner with a lovely Asian babe tonight.
Whatever you do, don't ask Yoko to sing.
I'm watching the skiers now.
Don't exert yourself too much. You're in such lousy shape you might get winded just watching them.
I'm going out to shovel a little snow.
Need to keep the area cleared around that wooden crate you're living in so the road crews don't plow through it...good idea.
Today seems like a good day to do my taxes.
That's a good idea, since you've already been convicted twice for income tax evasion. The federal pen has become sort of a second home to you.
I am in the mood to watch a really good movie.
I guess you can't watch "Debby Under the Porch" too many times.
Just had a great Japanese meal with two ladies.
I'm glad your grandmother and aunt finally took pity on you and bought you a decent meal. Considering you're the embarrassment of the family, it was doubly nice of them to want to be seen with you in public.
I am making a sensational meatloaf.
Are you getting a kickback from the Hamburger Helper people?
I had a migraine last night.
thats fair, you give people ulcers with your stupid comments.
finally got back to work after 2 weeks off
You do so little, how can they tell when you're working and when you're off?
I think I won't go into work today.
What's new you lazy slob?
I feel really fit today.
You were able to pull up your shorts without getting winded?
I did go to work today, but I didn't have much to do.
I guess the Johns stayed at home with the wifes today.
I am at work right now.
Really? Which corner are you on?
Going out for dinner soon.
Why is your hotplate broken?
I stayed in during the snowstorm.
Im surprised the security guards didnt force you to leave.
I am starving.