Was THAT the fish I was smelling, or was that you?
Today I worked out like a fiend.
Minnows from the bait shop are not "sushi." (doh! too late.)
Screaming insults and throwing things are your normal mode of behavior; don't blame the workout.
I'm off to take a nap.
Hope you never wake up...
I am hanging out with a French guy named Stophes
Point your finger at him, say "Stick 'em up" in your worst french accent, and see how fast he hands over his wallet, his girlfriend, and the keys to his Peugeot.
Chicken, rice, and green beans for lunch today.
Thanks for the warning. Stay downwind.
My back hurts.
That's funny, I've heard you're a pain in the ass.
I'm planning a vacation - snorkeling in the Virgin Islands!
You can call it that if you want, but she's still not gonna let you get near her.
What a lovely time of year!
Don't get so excited about your yearly hearing, you know the parole board always turns you down.
I was thinking of pizza for dinner tonight.
Too bad the delivery guy refuses to go anywhere near your house.
I hate my job.
You call panhandling a job?
I need to call my doctor.
The burning and itching is becoming unbearable eh?
I'm thinking of buying a laptop.
Don't you have to have a lap for those?
This ball game's getting very interesting...
Hey! Stop playing with them in public!
Off to the gym
No wonder all the eliptical trainers are broken.
It's raining again.
You probably wouldn't mind it if you lived indoors.
I wonder who will win tonight's game.
I read on the internet that you's guys are a couple of fuckin' jerkoffs.
I drove past your house the other day and thought the sign "slow children" to be particularly apt.
I wonder who will win tonights game.
You's guys are fuckin' clownshoes. Anything you say will lick balls, because you's guy do in fact lick balls.
I think you forgot to take your meds again, although nothing can cure true stupidity.
I wonder who will win tonight's game.
Well...i seriously think it will be you.
I ate, as usual, nothing for breakfast!