Didn't get it, did you?
I'm listening to Blue Moon.
Ah, hearing voices again?
Today is a good day to stay in bed.
It's not a "good day" if you're alone.
I can't wait for Halloween.
It's the one day of the year your face looks right for the occasion.
Is chocolate really good for your health?
Ask your rotten teeth.
I'd like to go fishing today.
Ah, but the warden won't grant reprieve, so I'm guessing you'll be sitting in your cell, as usual.
What's your story, morning glory?
It's not on your front page.
Think I'll go shopping tomorrow.
Don't forget to pick up a twelve-pack of clues.
Help is on the way.
Happy for you, maybe they'll loosen the laces on your straight-jacket.
Good night to do some reading.
If you can call racing forms and beer labels "reading".
I wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.
We all wish so. The world would be a better place.
Studying at Diesel Cafe tonight.
Please don't order "The Eighteen-Wheeler Special" again.
Nighty-night, you creative little insulters.
What're you talking about? It's early.
Isn't "asinine" an interseting way to say stoopid?
It is asinine to be trying to think of an interesting way to say stupid.
My cat is chasing a bug.
Well stop it before it catches you!
My car needs new tires.
Really? I thought your tires needed a new car.
I'm playing tennis this evening.
I hope that their are some good, cheap glaziers in your neighborhood, or your neighbors are going to hold a protest in front of your house.
Another beautiful day. I am going to take a long walk this afternoon.
Good. Take it off a short pier.
The fall foliage is glorious in my neighborhood.
Artificial flowers and trees are nice, ain't they?
I'm sorry to see my zinnias go away.
Then do something about that gas.
My feet are killing me.