Well you sure need a lesson in insults - yours hardly scratched the surface.
I have to drive to London tomorrow.
I see they still won't let you on the train.
I'm going to bed soon, have to get up early.
Guess that means you have another court date to answer that summons for lewd conduct.
I really want to go shopping tomorrow.
Same dumpster as yesterday?
What should I drink before dinner?
Why not do what you normally do, and just drink and forget dinner.
I have a strange itch on my arm.
Well looking at your avatar it would probably be your own piss but what the hey!
So how can I get rid of this ich on my nose?
If you tried bathing once in a while, it might clear up.
I've got so much work to do before bedtime.
Rubbing yourself over and over again is not really considered as work.
I like to eat pizza, it's freakin great!
That's obvious, from the 30 excess pounds you recently gained.
Think I'll look through the newspaper now.
What for, your still an illiterate inuit!
I like coffee!
Yes but must you make that giant sucking sound?
Did no one notice my previous post?
You got overlooked, I thought you would be used to that by now.
Today is my day off.
You do so little work, how can you tell?
I can't decide whether to have tuna salad today.
Hey, it might help your breath.
I'm going to the gym today.
I've heard that the gym pays you a commission NOT to wear their shirts.
I'm known for my boyish good looks.
So you all know, George is really a girl.
Meatloaf for lunch today.
Too bad that that will be the only "meat" you would be getting in a long time.
I think today is a good day
Good for you - means you didn't fall out of bed this morning.
I need to buy some storage boxes.
Stashing that stolen merchandise again?
I don't know whether to go on a diet