So's everyone within a city block radius of you.
I gotta go to the bathroom.
Your news of the week, was it?
I'm going out to dine in one of Hong Kong's trendiest areas tonight.
It's so nice that they do doggie-bags for the less fortunate!
I love being in France.
It is so much easier being in a place where no one knows of your shady past, isn't it?
Got to get dressed now.
Ooh, that's a cool clown suit. Did you make it yourself?
My kind of town, Chicago is.
do they conflict with your personality?
the bookcases I ordered to be delivered 2 weeks ago may be delivered next thursday.
I guess they waited to see if your second check would bounce too.
I have to do some research tomorrow.
Clown school can be tasking
(I'm on a clown roll here, where's Cav at anyway?)
I'm tuning filesystems.
Wake me when you have something remotely interesting to impart.
In the Thai restaurant last night had roast duck with papaya and then creme brulee with lemongrass. Deliciously different.
Yes, you certainly seem to be eating out of more interesting dumpsters these days.
I didn't sleep well last night.
You were snoring so loud you woke up with plaster on your face.
I'm going out for lunch.
Given your table manners, I'm not surprised they make you eat on the porch.
I've got to pay my bills tomorrow
That's right, procrastinate as usual.
There seems to be a typhoon outside at the moment.
No dear, that's the sound of the vacuum cleaner and the washing machine--you'd recognize them if you cleaned more often.
I'm thinking of buying a new camera
Your last self-portrait broke the old one?
I must put more clothes on, it's cold.
I'm surprised you didn't get arrested for shopping in that g-string and pasties--talk about indecent exposure!
It's so windy out I'm afraid to go to the store.
Afraid the bags under your eyes will fly up and blind you?
I'm going to the swimming pool now.
Time for a bath?
Almost time for the Bears game.
My, you are a masochist, aren't you?
I'm so impressed with how well you all play this game; you cut sharply without drawing blood.