Want to see if any of your relatives have been arrested?
Time for a nice cup of tea and a slice of lemon drizzle cake.
That slice of cake is, no doubt, drizzled with half a bottle of rum.
I keep breaking my sunglasses
(now there's a thought)
Try wearing them instead of using them as sandals.
There's a French dictionary on my desk that isn't mine.
Au voleur!
I will be a Liberal-Democrat until the day that I die.
What a quaint way of saying you are loose with your sexual favors.
I think I'll roast a chicken for dinner.
It's nice to see how self-reliant you're become; but some things can go too far, dear.
Woody Allen is wonderful.
Possibly the only other person on the planet as self-absorbed as you are...
Wouldn't it be nice to have a month of Sundays?
You do so little work anyway, how would you know the difference?
I just had some chocolate peanut butter cups.
Is that how you get the dog to pay attention to you?
I'm watching the Olympics in HD.
I'm glad the Heavy Detention section of your jail allows you to watch the games.
I'm putting dinner in the oven now.
Be careful, Gretel might push you in the oven! Then what would become of your gingerbread house?
I skipped two meals today.
Were those the eighth and ninth meals?
I don't know whether to go shopping today
As a mindless pursuit, it beats even your normal routine.
I shall pack my case for Hong Kong soon.
The Hong Kong police are waiting for you.
I'd love to go on a trip
Thought you were always out of your skull on something.
I need some sleep now.
After consuming all that gin, I'm surprised you are still awake.
I think I'll call in sick next week.
They'll be relieved, at work.
I have thrown out lots of old stuff today.
Maybe you'll be able to find your kitchen now.
I am sick of getting so much SPAM.
Sweetie, why not try the produce aisle next time.....
I need to escape to the mountains for a few days.
Is the Sheriff on your trail again?
I am so glad it isn't hot today