Darn, those thugs musn't have used enough chloroform when they stuffed you in the boot of their car. I'll have to dock their pay.
I spend a lot of time on the internet.
Unfortunately, that shows.
I'm thinking of moving.
I think you should move as far away as possible, from me.
I need to water my plants.
They aren't the only dried up old things at your place.
I've got a sore throat this morning.
Are you still dating the Boston Strangler?
I've decided to give more money to charity.
I suppose it's laudable that you feel a certain responsibility towards those you sold heroin to over the past 12 years.
There's a very nice bistro run by French people in Oxford, and I had lunch there yesterday.
I suppose you skipped out without paying the check again.
I need to redecorate my house.
Hmm, yes, mammoth bones and flint tools would be just a little bit out of style by now...
I have a big dog
How often?
I need to do more exercise.
Is that you exercising or are we having an earthquake?
My feet hurt.
That's you exercising. Your feet can't take the strain.
I might buy a campervan.
So your son finally had the guts to kick you out of his...
I gotta drink more water.
Yes, I suppose straight whisky can wear thin after a while.
I really need to sleep more.
Yep, fourteen hours just hasn't worked to make you a beauty.
The clothes will be dry in half an hour.
After all that beer you drank I guess there was no way you'd make it to the bathroom in time.
I think I'll get undressed now.
Glad you gave us proper warning.
I wonder if there's anything good on TV?
No vitamins can repair the ravages of time and a life of sloth and drugs.
My kofta curry was delicious.
Too bad you had to eat it all by yourself.
I've got gas.
Now you even think like a car s well as look like one - or was it the back of a bus?
There is nothing good on TV tonight.