So, who are you going sleepy with tonight?
I don't like balloons.
I'm surpised about that--you have enough hot air to blow up at least a dozen.
I have a doctor's appointment today.
The itchy red bumps on your ass won't go away?
I get to leave at noon today!
Is that a pink slip? Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.
It's Friday and I'm going out for beers after work.
Doesn't beer give you the runs?
Boy, is it hot out today!
Between your sweaty pits and my frequent trips to the john, this place is gonna be ripe.
I'm going golfing.
I heard that you liked playing with your balls.
I'll need to water my garden tonight.
When you squat, try not to get any directly on the leaves.
My garden looks great.
Yeah, those weeds are lovely.
Think I'll take a walk on the beach today.
Take an umbrella so no one confuses you for a whale.
I'm having a grinder for lunch.
So, you're spending lunch hour at the dentist, getting those fangs ground down again?
I'm not sure what to make for dinner.
Wasn't the first 10 dinners you ate today enough?
Time for a nice cold beer.
Another one? Leave some for the rest of us!
Think I'll go and turn up the heater.
Did your last lover turn blue again?
I am having trouble sleeping.
Don't worry, it wouldn't help anyway.
I am going to take a shower.
I thought you took one just last month.
I have to pay some bills.
I'm afraid they wont accept monopoly money.
I'm just glued to the computer screen right now.
Playing with the crazy glue again, eh.
I have a bit of a hangover today.
Your hangover's not so bad that you forgot the mattress in the parking lot of Louie's bar and the 30 bikers or the screaming crowd. Is it?
I might go to church tomorrow.
See what did I tell you? You really must learn to share. Next time you hold up a liquor store remember to SPLIT the haul.
I have an itch I just have to scratch.