They actually pay you to sing?
I need a new car.
don't bother. You couldn't get laid on sunset strip with a jaguar full of cocaine.....
I'm going shopping
Shoppin, huh? How much are AIDS-infected crack whores going for these days?
I have to get back to work.
Hurry up. The last time you took a break longer than 15 minutes, they had to re-train you.
I'm wearing a great luau shirt.
That shirt is so ugly it scared the pig away.
It's a nice day here.
It was a lot nicer before you got there!
I'll be glad when the DNC is over.
Tired? I thought they only hired female hookers?
It is a fabulous day out today!
Good. Stay inside and don't ruin it for everybody else.
For which party should I register?
In England we have one called the Monster Raving Loony Party. That should fit.
I am driving to Oxford tomorrow with my son.
Good to know. I'll put out an Amber alert.
(an Amber alert is the U.S. system to try to locate kidnapped children ASAP)
My hands are shaking and my knees are weak.
At your age, you should only attempt sex once a year.
My son is 22.
Then he should know by now what a freak you are.
The weekend is almost here!
Now you can sleep 23 instead of 21 hours a day.
There is an Oxford English Dictionary on the table next to me.
Too bad you've never read it.
I have new shoes.
I hope the blacksmith didn't overcharge you.
Care for a chocolate?
Didn't know they did a size 25.
I have just had my car serviced.
I think you're over due for some servicing yourself.
We need rain.
Why, is it time for you to shower again?
I feel so full.
Yeah, yeah, we all know you're full of crap.
Now I'm hungry.
Wasn't that cow you ate for lunch enough?
Think I'm getting sleepy.