Your teeth rot in either.
I think I'm getting a cold.
More excuses to avoid working. Your laziness is your major talent.
My back hurts.
Next time bend your knees when you pick up that vacuum you keep borrowing from the neighbor, because you're too cheap to buy your own.
I need to walk the dog.
I just heard you boyfriend say he's taking you for a walk, kirsten. Better get goin'
I love car rides.
If you'd stop stealing them, you'd probably enjoy more freedom to ride in them.
I am glad it isn't raining today.
you look like no water has met your body just lately.
I think I'll go for my morning run.....
To the refrigerator and back?
I think I'm late for work.
Well what do you expect, with your computer addiction? First it's late for work & before you know it, you never leave the house!
I'm hoping for some major changes soon.
Are we talking underwear, msolga? It's about time!
My legs are rather shapely.
Gus, yes, pears are very shapely.
My ex is due back in court today and my child support goes up :-D
Up your greedy money grubbing ass if there's any women are all the same......
I'm going to miss having Montana for a friend....
Only a drug-ravaged musician would consider a state a friend.
I am going to eat some more mushrooms
Ah, you're preparing your overalls for a wash. (A little early this year?)
My vacation starts tomorrow.
You don't deserve a vacation.
I'll take all the money I can get.
and buy more clear heeled shoes for amateur night?
I'm having fun playing this game....
Yeah, but you also have fun playing with yourself.
I think we're having thunder storms today.
So do you hide under the bed with the dog? Bring some peanut butter and have good time.
My garden has been sold.
You'd sell your soul for a few bucks.
My garden is doing great.
(actually my garden was about 1/2 of a 7500sf lot - the lot was sold for $460,000 with no real house on it)
Too bad you don't spend as much time trimming your bush as you do in the garden.
I don't understand the meaning of life.
It means you're a dumb ass.....
I have to go rehearse for tomorrow night....